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Bell Ringer: What are some of the major achievements of Greece?

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1 Bell Ringer: What are some of the major achievements of Greece?
Daily life in Athens Bell Ringer: What are some of the major achievements of Greece?

2 Public Life How would you describe the Agora in your own words? All Greek cities had Agoras- public markets and meeting places The agora in Athens was probably the most busy and interesting of them all. The mild climate in Athens made it possible to carry on business in the open. Athens- city state in ancient Greece. In the Agora men talked politics, philosophy, or events in their community. Vendors- were sellers of goods Any food an Athenian could want and other items such as wool, pottery, hardware, cloth, and books could be found in the Agora.

3 Public Life Temples and government buildings lined the Agora.
What governmental buildings here in the United States might be modeled after Greek architecture? Public Life Temples and government buildings lined the Agora. The Athenians admired beauty in architecture. Many government buildings in Europe and the United states were patterned after Greek architecture.

4 At home in Athens People’s homes in Athens were quite simple.
Homes consisted of rooms built around a courtyard. SOME homes had bathrooms, but water had to be carried from the public fountain. The ancient Greeks ate simple foods like bread, cheese, olives, fruits, cakes. Meat was not eaten on a regular basis, but was mostly consumed during religious festivals.

5 What differences existed between the rights of men and women in Greece?
At home in Athens Athenian women spent most of their time at home, out of the public eye, for their protection. Women could not take part in politics, they could not vote, they could not own property. They could however become priestesses in religious groups. In wealthy homes, women were responsible for directing, training, and caring for their slaves when they were ill. In poor households, women worked outside of the home. Although women did important jobs throughout Greece they were expected to be invisible.

6 Slavery in Ancient Greece
Slaves did a majority of the work throughout city-states in Greece. It was their dedication to working that would allow men free time to go to the Agora. Slavery- the condition of being owned by someone else. Approximately 1/3 of Athen’s population were slaves. In ancient times, free people rarely ever questioned slavery. Why do you think that free people rarely questioned salvery?

7 Slavery in Athens Free people captured during war or on ships by pirates while traveling would become slaves. Children born into slave families automatically became slaves. Greeks who had problems with owning other Greeks decided to own foreign slaves. A large number of slaves in Greece were foreigners.

8 Slavery in ancient Greece
Slaves were not considered to be Greek citizens. They had no political rights or personal freedoms. They received no formal education. Slaves could only become free if they bought their own freedom or their master freed them. Remember that without slaves, men of Greece would have had to do the hard labor required to build and maintain the city rather than spending time in the Agora. Slaves did many kinds of work from: working on farms, metal mining, artisan assistance, building construction, weaponry, or maintaining households.

9 Create Create a 10 question quiz from this section.
Your quiz can have fill in the blank, multiple choice, or true/false questions. Swap quizzes with an elbow partner, complete the quiz, trade back and have your partner grade you on their quiz. (Each question is worth 1 point) **Begin Vocabulary Homework** Students should create their own BINGO card with ALL vocabulary words from this unit. You can decorate your cards as you wish, and you can place the words on your cards where you wish. You can also put a free space on your cards. These will be used on REVIEW DAY to play some BINGO to help you remember the important vocabulary!

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