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Student Rights and Responsibilities

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1 Student Rights and Responsibilities
Kellogg Middle School

2 Your Principal/Security Team
Heather Hiatt – Principal Casey Campbell – Assistant Principal John Green – Assistant Principal Jasen Jaimes - Security

3 You have rights: You are entitled to a free, public education in a safe and civil school environment You have the right to attend school free from harassment, intimidation, and bullying You have the right to a classroom environment with minimal disruption You have the right to report misconduct or concerns about other students and/or adults

4 And, you have responsibilities:
You have a responsibility to: Follow school rules Behave respectfully towards students and adults Take care of the school (cafeteria clean) Help those who need it by telling an adult

5 School Rules – When do they apply?
On the school grounds before, during, and after school. On the school grounds when the school is being used by school groups Off the school grounds during a school activity Off the school grounds if the actions of the students affect the educational process (this refers mainly to on-line behavior) INCLUDES THE BUS STOP.

6 Bus Behavior: Your behavior on the bus counts as part of the school day Your behavior must be safe and respectful Stay seated Use Level 2 voices Use appropriate language Hands, feet, objects to yourself Remember, it’s all about allowing the driver to focus on driving 

7 Phones / Earbuds: Phones/Ear Buds/Other Electronics are okay in the morning. Once the bell rings at 8:25, all devices and ear-buds go off (or silent) and out of sight for the school day. Backpack or pocket. No dangling ear-buds through clothing. Instead, wrap them up and place them in your backpack or pocket.

8 Dress Code Clothes must conceal the “under” stuff.
Clothes must be appropriate for the setting. Hoods should be off during the school day from the time you arrive on campus until you leave (inside and outside the building) Ear-buds/headphones must be put away during the school day.

9 Fighting and/or Horseplay
Defined as: Act of quarreling involving physical and/or verbal actions that may lead to violence, bodily contact, in or around school property… Students are not permitted to record fights at school with their phones. Students are subject to discipline if they participate in this. HORESPLAY often results in students getting hurt. Please keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself to help us have a safe campus.

10 Cheating/Plagiarism Copying another student’s homework.
Using someone else’s work and turning it in as your own. Not citing your sources. Allowing someone to cheat from your work. Cheating/plagiarizing will result in a zero on the assignment. Remember, it’s always best to ask your teacher for help instead of getting into a cheating situation

11 The Power of our Words: Comments that degrade or in any way make fun of people because of their… Race Cognitive Abilities Religion Sexual Orientation Gender Socio-Economic Status Appearance …are a form of harassment and cannot/will not be permitted at school.

12 Intent VS. Impact We often hear: “I’m just joking”.
Your intention may not be to hurt the other person, but it’s the impact that matters. Roasting is really just embarrassing someone in front of others. It creates a mean school culture where students don’t feel safe.

13 Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying
Definition: Harassment is an attack on another person that can be perpetrated by individuals or groups in verbal, written, or physical actions. Some of the prohibited behavior include but are not limited to: verbal taunts, name calling, put downs, physical violence, unwanted physical contact designed to intimidate, physical restraining, threats

14 Online Bullying/Harassment
Things that are said on-line can affect the student during the school day. Students can be held accountable for on-line behavior if it creates an unsafe situation at school or disrupts the learning environment.

15 If you are being bullied or you know someone else who is:
Report issues to your teacher, Jasen, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Green, Ms. Hiatt or any other adult. You can report anonymously about other people and about yourself. Help those who are being mistreated. Stand with them.

16 Remember, KNIGHTS show VALOR, and we:

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