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19.1 The Enlightenment.

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1 19.1 The Enlightenment

2 Introduction Video

3 The Scientific Method 1. What is the scientific method and what steps, according to your textbook, must be taken when using this method? The scientific method is a step-by-step way of performing experiments. Four basic steps are change part of the experiment, observe what happens because of the change, record what happens, come up with an explanation. Who was Galileo, what did he discover, and why was he put in jail? Galileo was a scientist, he discovered that the earth revolved around the sun, and he was put in jail because the Catholic Church did not like Galileo’s findings. What Was the Scientific Revolution? The scientific revolution was a time of great scientific progress in many different fields.

4 Andreas Vesalius

5 Rene Descartes

6 Robert Boyle

7 Sir Isaac Newton What are natural laws, as discussed in your textbook?
Natural laws or the patterns that control how the universe works. One example is the Law of Gravity.

8 The Enlightenment What was the Enlightenment?
It was a movement were people believed that science and natural laws could be used to better society; that we could reach an Enlighted state. Francis Bacon Thomas Percival Arthur Hill Hassall


10 Government What would Tomas Hobbs and the French philosopher Descartes say about The Divine Right of Kings? Would they agree with each other? Hobbs believed that a strong ruler was necessary to control the people. Descartes believed that anyone was capable of making good decisions provided they had a good education. who was it John Locke, and what did he mean by natural rights? John Locke was an English philosopher who used the ideas of the Enlightenment to promote the idea that people had natural rights. Life, Liberty, And Property in a state of nature!

11 Things to Think About There would be no police force. There would be no specific set of beliefs to guide someone’s opinion of right from wrong There would be no currency (no money) Life, Liberty, and Property.

12 Revolutions!! Effects on Government
How were rulers during the Enlightenment different from absolute monarchs? Rulers, such as Frederick the Great, Catherine the Great, or Joseph II, kept a kind of absolute power, but they focused on the common good. Revolutions!!

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