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Presentation on theme: "PAST AND PERFECT TENSES"— Presentation transcript:


We use the PAST CONTINUOUS for a long action that is interrupted by a shorter action. We use the PAST SIMPLE for a short action that interrupts a longer one, or for a sequence of short actions. Example: While Maite was closing the door, two students entered the class. When AJ worked in Malaga, he travelled a lot to Madrid. When Maite finished school she got a job as English teacher.

3 Present perfect vs past simple
We use the PRESENT PERFECT for an action that happened at an unspecified time in the past. We use the PAST SIMPLE for an action that happened at a specific time in the past. Examples: Maite has been to London. AJ went to London last summer/ last week/ 2 years ago.

4 Present perfect simple vs present perfect continuous
We use the PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE for recent actions that are COMPLETED. We use the PRESENT PERFECT.CONTINUOUS for recent actions that are still IN PROGRESS. Examples: The students have learned how to say «cucumber» in English. The students have been learning new words in English.

5 Watch out!! State verbs NEVER use continuous forms. (know, like,love, understand, believe, own.) X I’ve never been believing in easter bunny. (wrong!!!)

6 WATCH OUT!! We NEVER use a continuous tense when we say how many times an action occured. x I’ve been asking him three times. (wrong!!!)

7 Watch out!!! We NEVER use the present perfect when we specify the moment in the past. (E.g. yesterday, five days ago, on the 31st of December) X Rita and Ahmed have arrived two minutes ago. (wrong!!)

8 WATCH OUT!! With dynamic verbs, we use the present perfect CONTINUOUS with for or since to say how long an action has been in progress. X How long have you studied English? (wrong!!)

9 Past simple and past perfect simple
Past simple for an action or a sequence of actions that happened at a SPECIFIC TIME in the past. EX. I woke up, had breakfast, got dressed and left.

10 Past simple and present perfect simple
1) Past perfect for a COMPLETED ACTION that happened before another event in the past. We often use it with AFTER or WHEN. Ex. When I arrived at the cinema, the film had already started. 2) We can use the PAST PERFECT to explain a situation or an event in the past. Ex. I couldn’t get into the house because I’d forgotten my key. 3) With state verbs (know, be, like) with for or since to say how long an action had been in progress. Ex. I had had my mobile phone for only a month when I lost it

11 Past simple and present perfect simple
Let’s practice. Go to page 128 ex. 1 and 2.


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