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Exploring Grammar in Context

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1 Exploring Grammar in Context
Kiwan Sung Kyung Hee University

2 Unit 3 Present Continuous
Part A Tenses in Context

3 Present Continuous (Frame of time reference)
Ongoing action

4 Present Continuous Ongoing or incomplete action at the time of speaking Ex) I am doing a lot of chores at home these days. Current events or states in the process of happening or may be unfinished I am writing this letter to file a complaint about your product

5 Present Continuous Not permanent but temporary
If permanent or true all the time-Use ‘Present’ Ex) I get up at 6:00 am to go to a gym. Can be used in a conditional sentence which describes a specific and limited context Ex) If you walk quickly, it is as good as running. If you feel tired, you are going too fast.

6 Present Continuous To focus on some point your interlocutor should remember To soften a negative comment Ex) Your idea is not practical. I am suggesting your idea is not practical. What I am suggesting is that your idea is not practical. Cf) say, suggest, ask (for), talk (about), propose, argue, claim, insist

7 Present Continuous Typically no ‘present continuous’ for opinion, cognition, perception verbs but can be used to highlight temporary or very current nature of events or states -love, like, hate, dislike, want, think, hope, wish -know, mean, believe, trust -see, hear, taste Ex) I am hoping that I pass the qualifying exam for my graduation.

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