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CCrs Quarterly meeting Literacy Standards for career and technical education
Handout: Sign-in Sheet Welcome to CCRS Quarterly Meeting #3. This is the breakout session for Career and Technical Education. The content of this session will reflect the statewide survey results from Quarterly Meeting 2. It is very important that you continue to join us for all remaining meetings as we continue to build our sessions based on your request to make the progression beneficial. Facilitator - Have all participants sign in during the session and return this information to the CTE State Staff who is attending your session. If you do not have a state CTE staff member working with you your sign in sheet to
2014-2015 at a glance Participants will: Create lessons
Create assessments Look at student work These are our outcomes for the year. Please take a minute and read them. 1. We have focused on creating lessons to determine what learning experiences our students need to reach the literacy standards. 2. In creating assessments, we have determined how we may know if students have met the standards. 3. Looking at authentic student work has shown what the students may or may not understand and what may need to be done next to assist students in gaining a better understanding of the literacy standard. Are there any questions at this point?
outcomes Observe a cte lesson focused on Dimension II
Participants will: Observe a cte lesson focused on Dimension II Observe how formative assessment is used to adjust instruction based on student work Make CTE and cross-curricular connections These are the outcomes for this session. Please take a minute and read them. 1. We will focus on observing a CTE lesson to determine which dimensions are addressed within the EQuIP rubric. 2. We will observe how formative assessment is used to adjust instruction based on student work. 3. Make cross-curricular connections within CTE program areas. Are there any questions at this point?
CONTENT & CURRICULUM Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation LITERACY STANDARDS Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. LEARNING ACTIVITIES LEADING QUESTIONS STUDENT RESPONSES GRAPHICS AND VISUALS LEARNING GROUPS Facilitator: Remind participants this slide shows us how activities used for instruction are the bridge from knowledge and skills to application of learning. Teachers should plan daily lessons to include these activities and administrators should look for them in classrooms. The learning activities provide evidence as to how the standards are being taught. PRODUCT OF LEARNING
eQuip Rubric Handout #1: EQuIP Rubric Facilitator:
Pass out the EQuIP Rubric to participants. Ask participants to read or re-familiarize themselves with the rubric. Ask them to use it as they watch a video about a CTE Instructor Introducing New Vocabulary on the next slide. As they hear/see items in the different dimensions ask them to check it off on the rubric. Discussion Which dimensions were represented in the video? Which areas under each dimension were seen or heard as we watched the video? ***You may ask other questions as prompted by the discussion.
CTE Instructor Introducing new vocabulary
Show video. Facilitator: This video shows of a CTE teacher modeling how to instruct new safety vocabulary terms to students using the close read strategy. Click on either the picture or the Web site link to pull up the video. When the page comes up, click on part 1 and the video will begin. After viewing 2 minutes and 45 seconds of part 1, press the pause symbol to stop the video and complete the close read activity by using handouts 2 and 3. Activity: Handout #2: Close Read Activity After watching the video, pass out the Close Read Activity/CTE Instructor Introducing New Vocabulary (Dimension II, III, and IV). Conduct a close read activity. Handout # 3: CTE Instructor Introducing New Vocabulary (Dimension II, III, and IV) After completing the close read, pass out the CTE Instructor Introducing New Vocabulary (Dimension II, III, and IV). Ask participants to respond to the questions in each column in relation to teaching the safety terms they have selected from the close read. Ask participants to share their ideas when everyone is finished.
Graphic Organizers Facilitator: This video explains the use of the Frayer Model and Word Wall graphic organizers and how they may be used as instructional tools. Click on either the picture or the Web site link to pull up the video. When the page comes up, click on part 2 and the video will begin. At the end of part 2, close the link and go to slide #9 to lead a discussion.
Frayer Model Facilitator: Lead a discussion about the video.
Why do students need additional exposure to vocabulary terms within a CTE content area? (Answer: To make the terms an active part of their vocabulary) What instructional activities/strategies were used in the video? (Answer: Graphic organizers - Frayer Model and Word Wall) How could the activities/strategies used in the video help students have a deeper understanding of the vocabulary terms to be used within a content area? (Answer: They reinforce students understanding of terms by helping them to associate the words with examples of what the term is and is not; It helps students to develop a better understanding of terms for the immediate text as well as being able to apply it to other forms of texts during and after they leave high school successfully) Why would it be important for students to understand the use of terms in context? (Answer: It helps students to know how to use the term in a sentence properly)
Frayer Model Handout #4: Frayer Model Example
Handout #5: Frayer Model Worksheet Facilitator: Ask participants to think about a content specific term their student might struggle with understanding and place the word in the center of the graphic organizer. Ask participants to define the term in their own words. Ask participants to either list facts/characteristics or draw pictures describing the term. Ask participants to provide examples and non-examples of the term. ***When participants are finished with the activity lead a discussion with the question below. Discussion Question How could you use this instructional tool in the classroom to help students understand words they may not know?
CONTENT & CURRICULUM Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation LITERACY STANDARDS Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. LEARNING ACTIVITIES LEADING QUESTIONS STUDENT RESPONSES GRAPHICS AND VISUALS LEARNING GROUPS Facilitator: Remind participants this slide shows us how activities used for instruction are the bridge from knowledge and skills to the application of learning. Teachers should plan daily lessons to include activities and administrators should look for them in classrooms. The learning activities provide evidence as to how the standards are being taught. PRODUCT OF LEARNING
eQuip Rubric Handout #1: EQuIP Rubric
Handout #6: Graphic Organizer – Deeper Learning through Linked Learning Facilitators: Ask participants to take out the EQuIP Rubric from the morning session. Explain to them, they will be using it as an evaluation tool for the video “Deeper Learning through linked Learning” on next slide. As they see items in the different dimensions ask them to check it off on the rubric. Ask participants to use the Deeper Learning Through Linked Learning handout to keep count of how many times they see or hear each of the categories used.
Deeper Learning Through Linked Learning
Show video. Facilitator: This video is about students gaining deeper learning in a CTE program by collaborating and team teaching with core academic teachers. It is about a CTE academy. ***Lead a discussion with the suggested questions below after watching the video: Share insights form the video that you found important? What would be the process of having a cross curricula conversation? How do academic and technical subjects complement each other? How can interdisciplinary projects foster deeper learning and critical thinking skills? In what ways are you scaffolding learning for all students within your program courses to help them to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills? What are some ways CTE instructors could become more connected to their academic colleagues and integrate more core academics into their lessons? In what ways could a CTE teacher better model critical thinking skills to their students to help increase the students’ ability to think more critically and why is it important for teachers to model critical thinking skills with their students through writing and talking aloud? Would you as a CTE teacher need someone to model how to develop critical thinking skills? Would your program benefit from team teaching with core academic teachers? ***Discussion Questions may be utilized by either asking them from the notes on this slide (#13) or by using slide 14. If you choose to ask them from the notes section of this slide (#13), then you will need to hide slide # 14 so it will not show during the presentation. You may also ask other questions that are not on the list to fit the needs of your group.
Making connections between CTE and Cross Curricular Subjects
Share insights from the video that you found important? How can interdisciplinary projects foster deeper learning and critical thinking skills? In what ways are you scaffolding learning for all students within your program courses to help them to develop critical thinking and problem solving skills? Facilitator: Lead Discussion using the questions on the slide. What are some ways CTE instructors could become more connected to their academic colleagues and integrate more core academics into their lessons?
How Is Your System Doing at including all disciplines across the curricula in on CCRS critical thinking discussions? Facilitator: Before leading a discussion using the question on the slide. Explain to the group that the people in the picture are conducting a discussion about developing critical thinking skills with the students in their classes. There is a cross curricula of disciplines at the table including CTE instructors. If teachers need to see and hear the group hold a discussion before conducting the discussion then you may show the link. The link is embedded in the picture.
Reflect and share your work
homework assignment from previous QM #2: Student work Facilitator: To conclude todays session, ask participants to take out their homework from Quarterly Meeting #2. Lead a Discussion: How could the activities/strategies in todays session be used to strengthen the lesson for which the student work is connected? How might the activities/strategies be used to help their students to gain a better understanding of the content they would need to know to be successful in the workforce or college? ***Other questions may be asked as discuss prompts.
Prepared Graduate Defined
Possesses the knowledge and skills needed to enroll and succeed in credit-bearing, first-year courses at a two- or four-year college, trade school, technical school, without the need for remediation. Possesses the ability to apply core academic skills to real-world situations through collaboration with peers in problem solving, precision, and punctuality in delivery of a product, and has a desire to be a life-long learner. Facilitator: Remember the goal of our collective instruction across the curriculum is “the prepared graduate”! Do you have any questions about today’s session?
Survey Questions What new or extended learning did you gain today concerning lesson building, assessment, and student work? What type of activities, strategies, ideas, or teaching methods could you apply to facilitate student learning for students who may have special needs? What one idea/concept from today’s session will you share with your CCRS implementation team? Handout: Survey Questions Facilitator: Ask participants to fill out the survey questions and return to the CTE staff member.
Team Planning Time Allow participants about 5 minutes of time to work on their sheet for their afternoon team planning time.
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