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Presentation on theme: "Culture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture

2 Culture: shared beliefs, values, behaviors and material objects among members of a group or society
tells us what to expect from others and what others should expect from us Culture is “doing its job” most effectively when it is invisible Culture

3 Material culture: physical artifacts that shape the lives of members of a particular society
 Non-material culture: non-physical elements of culture · knowledge/beliefs; values/morals; norms/customs Elements of Culture

4 What are some changes that you have observed in material culture in your lifetime?
What are some changes that you have observed in nonmaterial culture in your lifetime? Cultural change

5 Cultural Components Symbols Language --cultural transmission
-- Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Norms Cognitive Artifacts and Technology Cultural Components

6 Cultural Attitudes Ethnocentrism Cultural Relativism
Cultural Universals Cultural Attitudes



9 Diversity w/in Culture
Sub-culture Counter culture High culture Popular culture Diversity w/in Culture

10 Cultural Change Discovery Invention Diffusion *** Cultural lag
Cultural shock Cultural Change

11 Theoretical Perspectives on Culture
Functionalist Conflict Symbolic Interaction Theoretical Perspectives on Culture

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