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9th Vocabulary #2.

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Presentation on theme: "9th Vocabulary #2."— Presentation transcript:

1 9th Vocabulary #2

2 per -through; -throughout; -thoroughly

3 neg- -to say no -to deny

4 contra -against

5 verb -word (written or spoken)

6 simil/simul -like -to make like

7 prefix: de- opposite

8 suffix: -ful full of

9 9th Vocabulary #2

10 per -through; -throughout; -thoroughly

11 percent

12 percussion -the striking of one body against another with some sharpness

13 perfume extract, or preparation for diffusing or imparting an agreeable or attractive smell, especially a fluid containing fragrant natural oils extracted from flowers, woods, etc.,

14 neg- -to say no -denial

15 negative characterized by the absence of distinguishing or marked qualities or features

16 negative expressing refusal to do something: He maintained a negative attitude about cooperating.

17 negative expressing or containing negation or denial: a negative response to the question.

18 contra -against -contrary to (latin)

19 contravention -to come into conflict with, to contradict

20 contradict

21 contraband -goods imported or exported illegally

22 controversy/sial -dispute regarding a matter of opinion

23 verb -word (written or spoken)

24 reverberate -to re-echo or re-sound; to rebound

25 proverb -a wise saying

26 simil/simul -like -to make like

27 similar -having a likeness or resemblance

28 facsimile -an exact copy, as of a book, painting, or manuscript

29 prefix: de- opposite

30 decompose -to separate or resolve into constituent parts or elements; disintegrate

31 decaffeinated -to extract caffeine from -to decaffeinate coffee or cola

32 decode -to translate (data or a message) from a code into the original language or form

33 suffix: -ful full of

34 beautiful - full of beauty -having the qualities of beauty

35 resentful -full of resentment

36 thoughtful -full of thoughtfulness -showing consideration towards others


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