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Land Cover of Protected Areas and Surrounding Matrices

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1 Land Cover of Protected Areas and Surrounding Matrices
Protection vs. commercial management: Spatial and temporal analysis of land cover changes in the tropical forests of Central India Paper by P. Mondal and J. Southworth, Forest Ecology and Management, 259 (5): Presented by Erin Fink, Environmental Science major, Geog 370, 3/1/2010

2 Differences in Land Cover
Problem: Maintaining ecological integrity of the matrix and interface surrounding protected land areas. Hypothesis: There are differences in spatiotemporal land coverage trajectories between protected areas of the PTR Maharashtra and the surrounding commercial areas that change over time.

3 Methods Site: PTR Maharashtra in Central India
Use multitemporal and multispectral image datasets Use pixel-based change detection method to show alterations in land coverage over time

4 Results There is a distinct spatiotemporal pattern of forest- cover changes especially after the first decade surveyed Correlation between the changes seen in the protected areas and surrounding matrix Increase in reforestation with forest areas becoming more stable Two-date change trajectories of the park and 10 km buffer for (a) 1977–1989, (b) 1989–2000, and (c) 2000–2007.

5 Conclusions There has been a regrowth of forest in Central India’s PTR Maharashtra. The protected park area showed a 15.3% increase in forest cover. Surrounding buffer zone showed a % increase in forest cover. Critique The study could have shown more trends seen between the protected area and the buffer zones.

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