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Sustainability in a Challenging Climate NRM Regions Queensland

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1 Sustainability in a Challenging Climate NRM Regions Queensland
Stephen Robertson Chair NRM Regions Queensland & Healthy Land & Water

2 And that was all before Cyclone Debbie hit early last year.
For SEQ and indeed much of Qld, the 2017 flood was the 3rd major flood event in 6 years which followed 10 years of severe drought. These events and the resultant damage to infrastructure, livelihoods, economy and environment tests our resilience at human, local and landscape scales. The first priority following a natural disaster is infrastructure recovery – to get communities and the economy ‘moving again’. However there are challenges beyond the first flush of recovery activities that must be addressed in both the medium and long terms. It is in this space that Regional NRM Groups offer proven experience and holistic, multi-disciplinary solutions.

3 Why Regional NRM Groups are Involved in Natural Disaster Recovery?
The Lockyer Valley is a major supplier of vegetables, horticulture, and grains, producing 35% of Queensland’s vegetable supply.  In the 2011 and 2013 floods, more than 1 million tonnes of top soil entered Moreton Bay from the Lockyer. Retail value of this lost soil estimated at over $1 billion SEQ’s largest water treatment plant was shut down due to amount of sediment entering the plant from the river Mud is now flowing out to Moreton Bay 10 times as fast as it did before European settlement (ARI 2014).

4 Why should Regional NRM Groups be Involved in Natural Disaster Recovery?

5 As repair work by TMR got underway on the John Muntz Bridge:
Gold Coast City Council, owner of the damaged riverfront land sought legal advice on whether ratepayers should foot the bill; Natural Resources Department maintains watercourses naturally change over time, and repairing eroded stream banks is not the responsibility of State Government nor council; Meanwhile the Coomera riverbank will continues to erode and dump sediment etc into Moreton Bay and surrounds.

6 Previous Regional NRM Groups Activities post recent Natural Disasters
Following TC Oswald in 2013, a jointly funded $15m ‘On-farm Productivity & Riparian Recovery Program’ led by DNRM was launched to assist the most heavily impacted farming communities in Qld. 5 Regional NRM groups (Fitzroy Basin Assn; Burnett Mary Regional Group; Qld Murray Darling Cttee; Condamine Alliance & SEQ Catchments – now Healthy Land & Water) received bulk of the funds to undertake a range of initiatives. The recovery program delivered 26 projects, providing assistance to landholders on over 2,100 properties between April 2013 & July (average of $7,150/property) A report prepared for Dept of Premier & Cabinet and Minister for Natural Resources assessed the efficiency, effectiveness and appropriateness of the recovery program The key question asked – “had the program assisted landholders to recommence, or return to full agricultural production in targeted areas earlier than otherwise would have been possible?” .

7 Findings from On-line Survey, Focus Group & Telephone Interviews
Overall a successful program, however it was recognised there was room for improvement to reduce long delays (6-9mths) in roll out. However, a very high majority of survey respondents believed the program contributed to assisting landholders return to full agricultural production earlier; Interviewees spoke about how assisting producers was a strategic and effective way of creating flow-on effects to the rest of community; Survey respondents accredited the program with positively contributing to the local economy; There was general acknowledgement that a lot more needs to be done to improve resilience.

8 Building Resilient Catchments Is Not An Unattainable Pipedream
Logan River at Beaudesert post-Debbie

9 With Long Term Commitment, Building Resilient Catchments Is Possible
Demonstrate of how well rehabilitated site performed. Note vegetation remaining on site, and the stability of the bank compared to the previous slide showing banks across the channel and downstream of this site.

10 Level 19, 160 Ann St, Brisbane QLD 4000
PO Box 13204, George St, Brisbane Qld 4003, Australia T | F

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