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Soar-High Collaboration

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1 Soar-High Collaboration
PASSING THROUGH Soar-High Collaboration

2 Background Information
Each soil kind has a different consistency and looks differently We will see how fast water goes through different kinds of soil

3 The water passing through soil depends on many things:
the size of the soil particles (texture and particle size distribution) how the particles are arranged (structure) how tightly they are packed (bulk density) the attraction between the soil particles and the water

4 1. the size of the soil particles
Granular Blocky

5 2. how the particles are arranged (structure)

6 3. how tightly they are packed (bulk density)
Bulk density- is defined as the ratio of the mass of a given soil sample (M) to its bulk volume (V).

7 3. Bulk Density Con’t. Density expresses relation between the mass and volume of a substance (ex: soil). d=m/v d=denstiy m=mass V=volume

8 4. the attraction between the soil particles and the water

9 4. The attraction between the soil particles and the water Con’t.
Some types of soil will let water flow in quickly (infiltrate), then hold the water inside the soil (water holding capacity). Other types of soil let the water go completely through in a few seconds

10 Are some of the types of soil bad?
NO!!! Each soil type has its own purpose. Here are examples….

11 SAND -Sand is used to make concrete
-Sandbags are used for protection against flood -Sandy soils are ideal for certain crops such as watermelons, peaches, and peanuts -Children love playing with sand on a beach

12 CLAY -clay is used to make bricks -clay is used to make pottery
-clay is involved with paper making process

13 LOAM -Loam is used for making molds for foundations
-Loam is used for plastering walls -Loam is used for growing grass

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