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Steps In Creating Winning Teams

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Presentation on theme: "Steps In Creating Winning Teams"— Presentation transcript:

1 Steps In Creating Winning Teams
Organize for Task Practice Build Trust Provide Constructive Feedback Practice Correct Agree on Rules of Behavior Agree on Team Process Reflect Practice Dialog Skills Copyright, Shahid Ansari and Jan Bell, Permission granted to CSUN faculty for use in teaching their courses.

2 Organize for Task Determine tasks Define the output of each task
Read and understand assignment? Collect data? Do additional research on ? Perform data analysis? Write up assignment? Edit final product for quality? Define the output of each task Written summary of facts Draft of straw solution Spreadsheet output for numerical analysis Final written answer in word processing file Assign task responsibility – (individual or all team members) Create “To Do” list Task  Person  Output  Due Date  Status Review and Update “To Do” list at each meeting Copyright, Shahid Ansari and Jan Bell, Permission granted to CSUN faculty for use in teaching their courses.

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