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A.P. Exam Review Regular Review Day 5.

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1 A.P. Exam Review Regular Review Day 5

2 Big Idea #5 The laws of thermodynamics describe the essential role of energy and explain and predict the direction of changes in matter.

3 DH = qp Internal Energy, E Enthalpy, H H = E + PV = + q w heat + _
Chapter A.P. Chemistry Thermochemistry CHANGES IN... WHAT THEY BOTH HAVE IN COMMON CHANGES IN... Internal Energy, E Total amount of K.E. and P.E. Extensive Total capacity for heat exchange Enthalpy, H State Functions H = E + PV DE = q w DH = DE + DPV PERSPECTIVE IS IMPORTANT!! heat …flow of energy due to temp. diff.’s DH = qp + _ Flowing in work …force x distance (moving things) FINDING THIS System Surroundings Flowing out + Done to VS. Calorimetry _ (Everything Else) 1. (Your Focus) Done by q = m c DT w = -PDV 1 mole of a substance formed from its elements in std. states 2. Given the eq.’s AN EXPANDING GAS Heats of Formation. HESS’S LAW DH = Snprod.DHf – Snreact.DHf Write your own 3.

4 + - = + - DSuniv Thermodynamics -DHsys T DSsys DSsurr
Chapter 16 – A.P. Chemistry Thermodynamics Because of: Occurs only with outside intervention The 2nd Law Occurs w/o outside intervention The entropy of the univ. is increasing spontaneous nonspontaneous + DSuniv - -DHsys Which is equal to: 1. 2. 3. phases T # of gaseous particles A measure of disorder The change in the entropy of the universe = + DSsys DSsurr rankings complexity of particles measurable because of or 3rd Law The little superscript zeros mean: standard DSuniv = DSsys – DH/T Changed to DG° = DH° – TDS° Change in free energy Which can be changed to: Which says: -TDSuniv = DH – TDS = DG Standard ________ in ______________ Standard ________ in ___________ Standard ________ in __________ The entropy of a perfect crystal is zero change free energy change enthalpy change entropy - form that is usable Which must be ___ for spontaneous processes and for which info is easily found. But what if we are not at standard conditions? ←Q is the reaction quotient…the mass action expression w/ init. conditions DG = DG° + RTlnQ DG° = -RTlnK DG = 0 0 = DG° + RTlnK or And if we are at equilibrium?


6 Big Idea #6 Any bond or intermolecular attraction that can be formed can be broken. The two processes are in a dynamic competition, sensitive to initial conditions and external perturbations.

7 Kc Q Ksp Kp Q K Q K Q K reverse Kc (RT)Dn = Kp forward at eq. opposing
Ch. 13 A.P. Chem When two ____________ processes equal eachother in ________ rate Chemical Equilibrium establishing it manipulating it quantifying it Reactions are _________ reversible Le Chatelier’s Principle __________________________________________ Consequences at Equilibrium Mass Action Expression An equilibrium system that is stressed will respond to a stress in such a way to counteract the stress [P]x/[R]y Rates of forward and reverse are Equilibrium Nonequilibrium same/constant Conc. Changes maybe!! Kc Q [ ]’s are same/constant stoich. and intitial [ ] [ ]’s are dictated by Temp. Changes __________ Ksp Compare rxtion favored Volume (Pressure) Changes Kp Q K reverse If ___ > ___ ________ Kc (RT)Dn = Kp Q K forward If ___ < ___ ________ Q K at eq. If ___ = ___ ________

8 Molar Solubility



11 pH Ka Kb Kw Ch. 14/15 A.P. Chemistry ACIDS AND BASES x = Titration
Covalent (acidic) Ionic (basic) Nature of Them As Equilibrium Rxtns. pH Salts Oxides neutral acidic Practical Definitions Conceptual Definitions Conjugate Pairs Dissociation Constants Defined: -log [H3O+] Calculations basic ACIDS Arrhenius Ka x Kb = Kw Strong Species Weak Species Polyprotic Acids Sour Turns litmus red Reacts with metals to produce H2 A: Liberates H+ ions in sol’n B: Liberates OH- ions in sol’n [H+] [OH-] [the autoionization of water] Easiest… concentration on bottle dictates [H3O+] Harder… Use Ka or Kb values B-L Tells about: Strength A: proton donor B: proton acceptor Sol’ns which resist changes in pH with small additions of acids or bases BASES Volumetric analysis to determine unknown [ ]’s… % Dissociation Changes with dilution Bitter Turns litmus blue slippery Lewis Electron Withdrawing Capacity explains this A: electron pair acceptor B: electron pair donor Titration SA/SB Henderson-Hasselbalch Eq. Calculations How they work Indicators… used to find end point of titration pH curves WA/SB Buffers Range pKa ± 1 WB/SA

12 hypoiodous acid (formula-wise) is HIO(aq)
(Hydrogen compounds dissolved in water) Naming Acids (simple description) Rules Generally Binary Acid Hydro- Anion- -ic Acid 1. Without Oxygen Root Name from Where? Prefix? Suffix? Yes! Yes! Generally containing a polyatomic ion -ic (ate) or ----- Polyatomic ion- -ous (ite) Acid 2. With Oxygen Root Name from Where? Prefix? Suffix? No!! HI(aq) is hydriodic acid Depends on the ending of the polyatomic ion HIO2(aq) is iodous acid hypoiodous acid (formula-wise) is HIO(aq) Hydrogen periodate (dissolved in water) is periodic acid (with a formula of) HIO4(aq)

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