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Water’s Special Properties -

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Presentation on theme: "Water’s Special Properties -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Water’s Special Properties -
Hydrogen Bonding, Surface Tension, and floating ice…

2 Interstate vs Intrastate
Commerce Intrastate Commerce -Selling products to other people in N.J. Interstate Commerce -Selling products to other people in the U.S.

3 Internet vs Intranet Internet-world wide web (www.) Intranet
-Communicating with people anywhere in the world Intranet -Communicating with people in your house

4 Intermolecular vs Intramolecular
Attraction Intramolecular Force: -Attraction between two atoms in a molecule -These are bonds (covalent or ionic) Intermolecular Force: -Attraction between two different molecules

5 Is the arrow pointing to an:
Intermolecular Bond Intramolecular Bond

6 Hydrogen Bond A Hydrogen atom has to be bonded to N, O or F

7 Hydrogen Bonding Hydrogen bonding happens between molecules!

8 Hydrogen Bonding Do the following molecules possess hydrogen bonding? (A-yes, B-no) H2O HCl HF NO2 NH3 CH4

9 Properties of Liquids Surface tension is the force that holds a liquid together. 11.3

10 How strong is the surface tension of water?

11 Surface tension also causes water to bead up on our cars…

12 What would a waterproof coating be made of?
Oil Soap Alcohol


14 Do you think solid iron would float on liquid iron?
Yes No

15 Why does ice float?



18 “Like Dissolves Like”



21 What is cross-linking?

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