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CLOUDS Types and details.

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Presentation on theme: "CLOUDS Types and details."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLOUDS Types and details

2 How Clouds Form Form when water vapor in the air condenses in to liquid drops or ice crystals. Must condense on small particles in the air (dust, pollen, etc…) Condense when vapor reaches upper levels of the troposphere and cool.

3 Classification of Clouds
Clouds are classified into 4 main types of clouds based on their altitude and shape. The word parts of each of these 4 types are combined to create over 10 cloud names.

4 Cumulus Description: fluffy, cotton ball like clouds. Associated with good weather. Altitude: low to the ground (lower than 2km)

5 Stratus Description: Flat layered clouds that cover most of the sky. As they thicken, they may produce rain. Altitude: low

6 Cirrus Description: Wispy, feathery clouds made of ice crystals.
Altitude: High in the sky (above 6km)

7 Nimbus Description: Dark grey clouds that cover the whole sky and produce rain. Altitude: Low

8 Your turn….



11 Can you ID this one?

12 The Combination Clouds
Most clouds are combinations of two or more basic types. If clouds are in the mid layers (2-6km), we use the prefix alto- Altocumulus

13 Other Alto- Clouds Altostratus Altocirrus

14 Other Combo. Clouds Stratocumulus Cirrocumulus

15 Even more combos. Stratocumulus Cumulonimbus

16 Other Cool Pics


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