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Remember: all writing is persuasive writing…

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1 Remember: all writing is persuasive writing…
How to write a Concise thesis statement that will cap off an engaging, effective intro paragraph! Remember: all writing is persuasive writing…

2 So what is a thesis statement, exactly?
Remember the main ideas in your MEL-Cons?! They’re kind of like that… A thesis statement is used at the end of the intro paragraph of a multi-paragraph essay. Its purpose is to inform your audience about what exactly you will be writing about/arguing about, and what the body paragraphs will include!

3 The four steps in writing a thesis statement…
The Topic The Position The Reason The Main Points

4 You begin with a TOPIC… The general idea that your essay is about!
Remember how we started our theme statements with simple topics? Hope, survival, perseverance, etc. Well, now we’re talking about Paul’s past experiences, Arn’s coping mechanisms, and Gabi’s survival tactics!! Take a look at your quote trackers and final assessment handouts – read the prompts. What exactly does your essay ask you to argue and write about? What do you believe the topic of your forthcoming essay is about? Write it down on the “Amazing Thesis Worksheet” found on page 13 of your writing manuals! My “fake” topic: Wrestling moves

5 Your essays… Here’s a quick break down of your prompts:
An Ordinary Man: How have Paul’s past experiences and upbringing helped him in ensuring not only his own survival, but also in his quest to help others survive, as well? (You will identify and discuss three examples in detail…) Never Fall Down: How was Arn best able to survive and cope with the various difficult trials he experienced during the novel? (You will identify and discuss three examples in detail…) Tree Girl: What survival tactics does Gabi best utilize in order to survive the atrocities of the Guatemalan Civil War? (You will identify and discuss three examples in detail…)

6 You then add your POSITION…
What is it about your topic (Paul’s past experiences, Arn’s coping mechanisms, Gabi’s survival tactics, etc.) that you believe to be true (about how your topic functions in your novel) and that you wish to argue?! Take a look at the topic you just jotted down. What position will you take on that topic? Make sure your position continues to address the question presented in the prompt… What is your opinion/position about Paul’s past experiences? Arn’s coping mechanisms? Gabi’s survival tactics? My “fake” position: a wrestler needs to know several different moves

7 Then give the REASON you believe this to be true …
Why do you believe your position is the correct position? Why does your opinion matter – why is it important??? Can you think of a REASON as to why exactly your reader would benefit from believing your position? Why were Paul’s past experiences important? Why did Arn need specific coping mechanisms? Why did Gabi need specific survival tactics? My “fake” reason: in order to consistently win matches

8 Finally, you must give your reader your MAIN POINTS…
These are the specific examples/areas you will share in your paper to prove your position and reason! Your body paragraphs shouldn’t come as a surprise to your reader – you need to lay out the way you’ll prove your position in your thesis statement! Begin with your “weakest” example and end with your “strongest.” LOOK at the categories/groupings on your quote trackers – what three will you use? These three categories will then become your three body paragraphs! My “fake” main points: a wrestler will be able to surprise his opponent, better anticipate his opponent’s moves, and develop higher levels of strength and flexibility.

9 And when it’s all said and done, make sure you’ve written a cohesive, intelligent thesis statement!
In one (or two) sentences present your thesis – include your topic, your position, your reason, and then your three main points! My complete “fake” thesis statement about wrestling moves: A good wrestler must know several different wrestling moves (topic + position) in order to consistently win matches (reason) such that he will be able to surprise his opponent, better anticipate his opponent’s moves, and develop higher levels of strength and flexibility (three main points). SO – add up the following: Topic + position + reason + main points = thesis statement! Can you write an original thesis for your paper?!?! Give it a try!

10 A few hints to move you along…
An Ordinary Man: Topic: Paul’s past experiences and upbringing Position/reason: needed to remember/rely upon his past experiences and parts of his upbringing (position) in order to ensure his survival as well as the survival of those around him (reason). Main points: pick three main experiences/upbringing qualities that you believe best show his survival expertise Never Fall Down: Topic: Arn’s survival and coping mechanisms Position/reason: needed to employ several specific coping mechanisms (position), for these helped him live through the various challenges he experienced (reason). Main points: pick three main areas off the quote tracker that you will use to show Arn’s survival abilities Tree Girl: Topic: Gabriela’s survival tactics Position/reason: needed to utilize several different survival tactics (position) in order to survive the atrocities of the Guatemalan Civil War (reason). Main points: pick three main tactics/skills that you will focus on

11 The rest o’ the intro paragraph:
Now that you have the hard part written, it’s time to consider what precedes the thesis statement in your intro paragraph – It will start with one of the five methods listed on page 13 of your Language 9 Writer’s Manuals! Take a look. Read through them. Process them. Which one could you use?! (They basically tell you exactly how to write them…) THEN you add a little background about your novel (we’re talking maybe a TWO sentence summary…) Finally – seamlessly flow into your thesis sentence! And POOF! You’ve got yourself an intro paragraph… Complete a rough draft of your intro paragraph for tomorrow!!

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