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SRF Education Providers (governed by):

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1 Role players in Education & SRF (sport, recreation & fitness) – who governs what?
SRF Education Providers (governed by): Department of Education (DoE) – governs education, training & development NQF = qualifications framework SAQA – checks that qualifications meet criteria of NQF Umalusi – quality assures if NQF level 4 or below (some certificates) QCTO (replacing CATHSSETA) – quality assures vocational training CHE – quality assures higher education if NQF level 5 or higher (e.g. level 5 Certificates & Diplomas, Human Movement Science degrees) SRF Employers & Professionals (governed by): Department of Sport & Recreation – governs sport, recreation & fitness sector SRSA – recognise & support licensed service providers (accredited with QCTO, CHE or Umalusi) SASCOC – prepare athletes/teams for elite sport performance representing SA Fitness SA – sets standards for fitness facilities & professionals REPSSA – Register professionals in accordance with international standards. Liaises with REPS internationally. RED organisations affect Pilates Industry Source: Role Players detail doc by Linda Halliday

2 Fitness Regulation & Role Players
Fitness regulation defines (21/10/2010): Registration of Fitness Prof. Accreditation & grading of facilities Role of Fitness SA Regulation is broad, Fitness SA will determine detail Expected implementation 2012/2013 REPSSA Independent public register International portability -ICREPS Input on SA standards for ICREPS Register based on accredited qualifications (benchmarked internationally) Administer CPD points log RPL programs available Fitness SA Accredit & grade establishments Set standards & qualifications May outsource register Set registration fees Constitution to be finalised Workshop Oct 2011

3 SA Pilates Association (SAPA)
Pilates arm of REPSSA – review Standards, CPD Feedback on Regulation & Fitness Board REPSSA Register Pilates instructors SRSA SAPA Protect industry image Support members Members = Education Providers & Instructors Fitness SA Pilates Instructors Free Input on Pilates qual. standards & facilities req. Education Providers Specify & register Pilates qualification(s) QCTO (CATHSSETA)

4 Register of Exercise Professionals (REPSSA)
An independent public register which recognizes qualifications and expertise It provides a system of regulation that ensure professionals meet the health and fitness industry standards These standards set an international benchmark REPs provide assurance and confidence to all that exercise professionals are appropriately qualified Members are bound by a Code of Ethical Practice and must hold appropriate insurance To remain on the Register, members must continue to meet their Continual Professional Development (CPD) quota annually REPs runs across the whole of Europe, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland REPSSA launched in March 2011 You need to meet standards to register Amnesty period (up to Nov 2011) Special rate for SAPA members Education providers must be accredited with CATHSSETA or CYQ (UK)

5 REPSSA Benefits Employment – most employers internationally will require that instructors are REPs registered Membership search – all members are listed in the Members Directory, therefore the public can go view if you are ‘REPs registered’ Advertising – Fitness professionals can chose to display their details so the public can contact them International recognition – registration with REPs provides instant recognition in over 30 other countries through ICREPS Training portal – research training options by searching list of recognised training providers CPD points – demonstrate your commitment to up-skilling yourself Recruitment – recruitment link for potential employers looking for REPs instructors/trainers Public awareness – be a Fitness Professional that is recognised in the industry and is committed to giving a superior level of service Insurance competitive rates and products through the REPs insurer

6 For more information visit, or email
Why should I register with REPSSA? – make use of the grace period until end November 2011, associate yourself with a commitment to standards & continuous education in our industry and demonstrate to your clients (and employer) that you are serious about your Fitness/Pilates career. For more information visit or Questions?

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