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Critical Mass of Multiplication

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1 Critical Mass of Multiplication
1 Thessalonians 1:5 - 10

2 Response to the Gospel Humble: they abandoned their ways of life and imitated Paul and Co. and Christ (v.6a)

3 Response to the Gospel Humble (v.6a)
Bold: they accepted Christ and lived for Him in a hostile habitat (v.6b)

4 Response to the Gospel Humble (v.6a) Bold (v.6b)
Leaders: they become Christian examples for everyone in their region and surrounding areas (v.7)

5 Response to the Gospel Humble (v.6a) Bold (v.6b) Leaders (v.7)
Multipliers: they desire to see others come to Christ all around them (v.8)

6 Response to the Gospel Humble (v.6a) Bold (v.6b) Leaders (v.7)
Multipliers (v.8) Orthodox: they’ve dropped their idol worship for the living and true God (v.9 – 10)

7 Ministry of Multiplication
Lives a life worth imitating (v.5 – 6)

8 Ministry of Multiplication
Lives a life worth imitating (v.5 – 6) “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 11:1

9 Ministry of Multiplication
Lives a life worth imitating (v.5 – 6) Reproduces reproducers (v.7 – 8)

10 Ministry of Multiplication
Lives a life worth imitating (v.5 – 6) Reproduces reproducers (v.7 – 8) “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” – 2 Timothy 2:2

11 10 Coverts per Day Year 1 Disciple per Year 3,650 1 18,300 5 16 36,500 10 512 54,750 15 16,384 60,225 17 65,536 71,175 20 524,288 89,425 25 16,777,216

12 Ministry of Multiplication
Lives a life worth imitating (v.5 – 6) Reproduces reproducers (v.7 – 8) Builds an organic, self-sustaining ministry

13 Ministry of Multiplication
Favre and Rodgers Duncan and Robinson

14 “Where is your man?”

15 Critical Mass of Multiplication
1 Thessalonians 1:5 - 10

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