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OUTLINE Why deal with decomposition Controls on decomposition

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Presentation on theme: "OUTLINE Why deal with decomposition Controls on decomposition"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUTLINE Why deal with decomposition Controls on decomposition
Intrinsic (biochemical composition) Extrinsic (environment, nutrients, consumers) Link from carbon to other elements Discussion stream N export What is not here Detrital food webs Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)

2 Decomposition - Closing the cycle Applies to all biologically relevant elements
CH2O production inorganic organic decomposition CH2O CO2 e- ecosystem boundary Fig. x. Weathers et al., Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science

3 Detritus Decomposition (Particulate Organic Matter)
Fig. 2 : Pathways of POM decomposition and interactions with other elements (nutrients) Detritus Decomposition (Particulate Organic Matter) DEAD PLANTS Carbohydrates Cellulose Lignin Protein Lipids DOC Fungi CO2 CH4 Bacteria Fine POM N,P etc External Nutrients

4 Exponential Mass Loss dA/dt = kA A(t) = A(0)e-kt
EXAMPLES k = 0.1/year k=1/year k=10/year Half-Lives (yr)?? Leaching Bulk POM decay Amount Recalcitrant Time

Structural complex molecules Cellulose Lignin etc β β CH2OH O OH OH Cellulose CH2OH OH O α OH etc α Both macromolecules are “sugar” C6H12O6 Bioavailability differs dramatically Starch

6 Structural complex molecules
Cellulose Lignin R OH Hard to get at sub-units AND they are not that useful once you get them.


8 EXTRINSIC (Environmental) CONTROL
Temperature Nutrients Organisms (Arrhenius) K=αe(-Ea/RT) Increasing temp has positive effect on rate increasing Ea has negative effect Q10 ~ 2 near environmental conditions Ea ENERGY Strongly subject to environmental control (Davidson and Janssens, Nature 2006; Dorrepaal et al Nature 2009) TIME

9 Exogenous Nitrogen Effect
See also Benstead et al 2009 Ecology

10 Control by terminal electron acceptor
CH2O + O CO2 + H2O Yield = 688kcal/mole Aerobic Respiration CH2O + NO CO2 + N2 Yield = 649 Denitrification CH3COOH CH4 + CO2 Yield = 31 Methanogenesis

11 Responsible for bulk of mass loss
Microbes Responsible for bulk of mass loss Microbes High biomass Enzymatic capability

12 BUG EFFECTS Via Consumption of Detritus (see Swan & Palmer 2006)
Via Fragmentation

13 Effect of Macroinvertebrates

14 Animal Species Effects

Bell et al 2005 Nature 436:1157

16 Diversity Effects Meta-Analysis
Srivastava et al 2009 Ecology Larger Top Down than Bottom Up effects BU Effects exist but + and – cancel Depends on choice of response variable

17 Connection to other Element Cycles
DEAD PLANTS DOC Fungi CO2 CH4 Bacteria Fine POM N,P etc External Nutrients

18 MASS LOSS TIME TO ½ MASS Fast – submersed (days-weeks) % ORIGINAL MASS
Medium – emergent (months – year) Slow – wood (year – decade) 100% Immobilization % ORIGINAL MASS Mineralization Microbial biomass TIME

19 PRODUCTS SUBSTRATE MICROBE Residue C = 50, N=1 C/N = 50 C = 40 C/N = 5
New cells Residue C = 50, N=1 C/N = 50 C=5 N=1 C = 40 C/N = 5 5 CO2 Small microbial biomass (limited by N), incomplete OM decomp and no N release C=25 N=5 C=50, N=5 C/N = 10 C = 0 25 CO2 Higher microbial biomass, complete OM decomp and no N release C=25 N=5 C=50, N=25 C/N = 2 N=20 25 CO2 High microbial biomass, complete OM decomp and N is released

20 Decomposition - Closing the cycle Applies to all biologically relevant elements
CH2O production inorganic organic decomposition CH2O CO2 e- ecosystem boundary Fig. x. Weathers et al., Fundamentals of Ecosystem Science

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