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Nuclear Radiation Form of energy that comes from nuclear reactors

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Presentation on theme: "Nuclear Radiation Form of energy that comes from nuclear reactors"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nuclear Radiation Form of energy that comes from nuclear reactors
No smell No taste Harmful to living things

2 Nuclear Power Plants 100s about 30 countries
15% of the world’s electricity Use uranium for fuel. The uranium is mined from the ground and then put in a special container called a nuclear reactor. Inside the reactor, the uranium gives off energy in the form of heat, which is used to boil water. The boiling water creates steam, which in turn powers a turbine to make electricity.

3 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
This accident did not just “happen.” It occurred when workers doing a routine check failed to follow their own safety rules. One of the reactors got too hot to control.

4 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
At 1:24 A.M. on April 25, 1986, an explosion rocked the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in present day Ukraine.

5 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
The explosion started a fire that raged out of control. A fireball of radioactive dust rose three miles into the air. The radioactive cloud rode the winds to places thousands of miles away.

6 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
Since the accident, people of the area still have to deal with the accident.

7 Radiation Spread from Chernobyl

8 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
The people of Lapland also suffered as a result of the accidental pollution. Many people in Lapland fish or raise herds of reindeer for a living. After the accident, radiation polluted their fishing grounds and reindeer herds, killing large numbers of fish and reindeer. Those that survived were not safe to eat.

9 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
28 people died within four months from radiation or thermal burns, 19 have subsequently died, and there have been around nine deaths from thyroid cancer apparently due to the accident: total 56 fatalities as of 2004. 135,000 (?) people from areas surrounding the reactor were relocated Workers also destroyed contaminated crops, food, and animals

10 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
World’s worst nuclear accident times greater than the bombs dropped in World War II Since then world leaders have paid more attention to safety Changes in reactors- less likely to overheat and shut down

11 The Chernobyl Radiation Accident
Write the name of the country where the radiation leak happened. Then complete this sentence: Chernobyl became a source of radioactive pollution when… The Radioactive Cloud Spreads Across Europe Describe how the radioactive cloud spread. Names two countries that were affected by the pollution. Then complete this sentence: One effect of the spread of radioactive pollution across borders was… Efforts to Reduce Radioactive Pollution Write one way to reduce radioactive pollution. Then complete this sentence: ____________________ help to reduce radioactive pollution by…

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