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+ Transparency Participation Accountability Efficiency Effectiveness

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2 + Transparency Participation Accountability Efficiency Effectiveness
Last time we met… Why? Transparency + Participation Accountability Efficiency Effectiveness

3 ? Transparency What if….? Information is there but spread out?
What if information is accessible but not understandable? What if information is not creating engagement? ? Transparency

4 Fail fast Then Now Cooperation with civil society organizations
Little additional information Manually updated Design managed by non-specialists Few communication channels Cooperation with civil society Additional information on diverse matters Connected Design managed by specialists Communication channels Fail fast

5 Fiscal Transparency Portal in Mexico
8 Platforms +2,500,000 page views +1,000,000 unique visitors 5 Maps …Budget presentation 2017

6 We decided to spice it up…

7 1 What’s new? How does this look like?
Change from “Performance Evaluation System” focus to “Government Programs” focus. Why? More identifiable. Include one profile per program (all Budget). Make the Program the “relatable unit” for all information. Why is it important? Each program links all the available information throughout the Portal and with other Ministries’ information. Created to be connected. How does this look like?










17 2 What’s new? How does this look like? National Planning in depth.
Why? Information was available, but not for all programs derived from National Planning. Linked both ways with Programs specific profiles. Why is it important? Makes it easier to find information of link among programs and national goals indicators. Will reflect link with the selected Sustainable Development Goals indicators. How does this look like?





22 3 What’s new? Performance Evaluation System How does this look like?
Why? Necessary to facilitate comprehension of the scope and reach of the evaluation system. Why is it important? Information of external evaluations was available but recommendations derived were only in PDF. External evaluation tends to be confused with auditing. This allows to make it simpler to understand the difference. How does this look like?



25 The “Home” issue How can we make users notice there are substantially new contents?


27 Take 3 Take 2 Cooperation with civil society organizations
Little additional information Manually updated Design managed by non-specialists Few communication channels Cooperation with civil society Additional information on diverse matters Connected Design managed by specialists Communication channels Take 1 Take 2 Take 3 More cooperation with civil society Link information More connections, less manual Design that helps emphasize constant updates + interactive with lighter plugins

28 Listen! And keep moving Link information! Use statistics
Access to Information requests Civil Society Organizations, formal and informal meetings; Underused information Participation in hackathons, data expedition and other similar events. Link information!

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