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Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Design
Chapter 1 Original author: Paul King Presentation modified by Karen Schuyler

2 What is Design? Is NOT research or craftsmanship!
Involves devices, processes, re-engineering, systems, optimization, regulations, finances, innovation, invention, entrepreneurship, etc.

3 Design Verb: invent, intend, devise
Thinker picture is from: images/Thinker.gif Light Bulb Man from: Noun: drawing, arrangement, pattern, plan, art of making designs

4 For What Uses Might Products be Designed?
Class discussion on what types of products they thing would be good candidates for design.

5 Basic but Essential Questions
Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Their Job? Well, yes, but also…….. Your Job

6 Flow Diagram How Go/ no-go How No Yes What, Who, Where, When, Why
When, Why, How How No No Go/ no-go Yes How

7 Design: National Academy of Science
Product refers to hardware, service, or mission. Process refers to the means by which a product is manufactured and supported Development refers to the refinement of products and processes to correct problems. (Re-engineering, sometimes reverse engineering, …) National Academy of Sciences:

8 Design: NAS Mission requirements analysis/Product system strategy
- high level engineering analysis - requirements definition

9 Design: NAS Product specification - product strategy
- voice of the customer!!! (QFD, etc.) - environment (EPA) & regulatory (FDA!!!) - planned product specification

10 Design: NAS Concept development
- target setting (cost, schedule, performance, etc.) - brainstorming on product & process alternatives - development of product and process concepts.

11 Design: NAS Preliminary Product and/or Process design
- high level definition of product and process designs - evaluation of same v. targets - high level system trade-offs

12 Design: NAS Refinement & verification of detail product and process designs - development of designs for components, subsystems & manufacturing - Geometry creation - prediction & evaluation of attributes - tracking & trade-offs Sound from

13 Design: NAS System Prototype Development
- experimental evaluation of attributes that do not meet target values Preparation for production - refine process for manufacture Production, Testing, Certification, Delivery Operation, support, decommissioning, disposal


15 Generic Design – 13 Experts Concept Map

16 Design as taught in BME272 @ Vanderbilt

17 Other Design Concerns Retracing if problem is ill defined
Excessive documentation Human patients, animal studies, permissions Design is often iterative Delving into already patented info bases Teamwork, finances, reality

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