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ABC’s of Database Design
Instructor: Vicki Weidler Assistant: Joaquin Obieta
Overview Basics Designing Good Databases Common Mistakes to Avoid
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Part 1: Basics What is a database? When do you use a database?
Types of databases Database structure Data types What is a database? Collection of data Organized some way More useful Examples: Phone Book Card Catalog LIAS CAT System Used to solve problems Filing system Subsets of data Reports-Annual, Quarterly, etc. When do you use a database? Large collection of data Organized in many different ways To be useful Easier to work with large datasets Breaking it up into smaller subsets Based on multiple criteria Example: Penn State students from Pgh 3 Types of Databases Flat Files Text with data/values separated by commas Spreadsheet/Excel Relational Stores info in tables Tables joined in different ways Efficiently access info Tables consist of rows & columns Table has a specific name Columns have specific names Rows each have unique identifier Called primary key Primary keys used to link info together By creating tables for for each subset of info Increases efficiency Reduces redundancy/duplication Improved performance Object-Oriented DBMS (database mgmt systems) Advantage of Java & C++ Components of system Created once, then reused, exxtended or modified
Part 2: Designing Good Databases
Database planning Administration and maintenance Security Working with constraints Example: The key database Planning Info needed? Who will use? Info used for? Often info needed? 1 person access/edit info? Multipe access/alter same time? How accessed? Web? Timelines for completion? Available resources? Administration & Maintenance What server will run database app? What OS will run on? What software available to dev? Different clients accessing it? Responsibility for updating info? Responsible for chging database structure? Security Responsible for security w/multiple users? Authentication needed for web access? Use CAC access accts/passwords to access? Working With Constraints To decide which technologies to use & how to develop Must consider resources Personnel Infrastructure Existing database apps Cost to dev Time to dev Unfortunately Databases developed w/o adequate planning Result in loss of time Need altered or re-created Design of database Dictates what can be done w/it Example: Key Database Problem: Dept has large # of staff, faculty & students Large # keys Rooms, Cabinets, Special Equipment Overall System Evaluation Purpose/Scope of database? Users? Maintenance? Report/Query Evaluation What info will be pulled/queried? Kinds of reports needed?
Part 3: Common Mistakes to Avoid
Database Requirements Important to be useful in long-term Do’s & Don’ts Don’t assume every problem solved w/database Don’t assume anything Don’t leave it too long between reviews Don’t spend too long on prototype Don’t start developing until fully understand what users want Don’t start developing until clear where all responsibilities lie Don’t expect app to be finalized when it is finished Don’t aim for 100% functionality 80-20 rule (80% functionality in 20% of time) Do involve users in shaping design Do find out if anyone else has already solved problem Do plan on an iterative development process Do get users feedback Do find ways to encourage idea generation Database Standards Standards agreed upon for the project and documented for future reference File-Naming Standards Clearly identifies particular file & purpose If OS allows long filenames, take advantage Field Standards Fields should have unique, meaningful names Example: Instead of ID, use TableNameID for primary key Use consistent naming conventions for fields Form Standards All forms unique, meaningful names Consistent naming convention Colors & fonts standardized on all forms Images/company logos all uniform If copyright or ADA accessibility info required, consistent on all forms View Standards All views unique, meaningful names Follow file naming structure Colors, fonts & general order of info should be standardized Function Code Use standard code for reusable features Such as Save & Exit or Quit options Functions & formulas written to be re-used Other Documentation-Include Identify audience Specific procedures/directions Who is responsible for design/updating info… Who is tech support Identify technology used to develop database Include software version # & date of development Database requirements Database standards Database development life-cycle
Database Development Life-Cycle
Developing w/o testing Asking for problems First Phase: Database Design Take time to answer all ? Discussed at beginning of seminar Get as much info as possible Outline standards for the project Second Phase: Database Prototype Develop quick & dirty prototype Used only to determine functionality of database May learn that another software pkg or approach to design Prototype should be carefully evaluationed Functionality approved Before add’l time spent on development Third Phase: Database Development Set final specs Create final database app Check to insure meets Design standards Functions correctly Performs on all required platforms/clients Help documents consistent & clear Testing done internally first Fourth Phase: Database Testing Pilot in real production environment Limited audience of people/testers Database Design Get feedback Try to set up separate server for testing purposes Monitor server closely for performance problems Once tested successfully, move to production server All documentation should be written/edited Final Phase: Production Reviewed, evaluated, tested Meets all standards & needs of user Further refinement always possible Add’l features added in future Directions readily available to users Database Production Database Prototype Database Testing Database Development
Summary Basics Designing Good Databases Common Mistakes to Avoid
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Conclusion Questions & Answers Evaluations Thank You!!! Evaluations
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