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Tracking International Student Success

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1 Tracking International Student Success
Jason Jerome Rebecca Rowntree Language Services Unit

2 What the LSU does Delivery of pre-sessional courses
Delivery of in-sessional classes for all non-native speakers of English One to one academic English support for all non-native speakers of English Testing prospective students through our English Language Proficiency Test (ELPT) which is recognised by UK Visas & Immigration as a secure test. Testing all non-native speakers of English during International Orientation diagnostically, to ascertain whether they need an English language module or ISE. Provision of Modern Foreign Language modules throughout the university.

3 The Project Track academic success of PSE students Questionnaires
In-depth interviews on their experience Main focus was academic but many more issues emerged

4 Hypotheses Integrated study skills module best way of engagement
PSE students – lower academic performance International students – lower levels of engagement

5 Results 70 + = 4.2% 60-69 = 27.1% 50 – 59 = 38% = 20% - 40 = 10.4 %

6 Student perceptions Is your academic progress as successful as you thought it would be? 25% More successful 50% As successful 25% Less successful


8 Suggestions Academic Skills module or built into course % agreement Pre-course materials

9 Teaching Implications
Facilitation for class participation Buddy scheme within group Scaffolding to courses Used to teacher centred classes Canvas

10 Conclusions We need to reach out to the non- proactive students
Joining the dots – beyond the classroom Cross-departmental/faculty communication vital – loneliness Raise profile of LSU

11 I have a good news for you. I got my mark of the essay which was 65
I have a good news for you. I got my mark of the essay which was 65. In others’ eyes, maybe it was not a pretty score, but it was a great progress for me. You know my last mark of the essay just was 42 which was on the edge of failure. So I really admire that I can get this mark. As you know, I always lack the confidence in English. Without your help, I can not get this score. I am so lucky can become your student. I really appreciate this.  

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