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Impact of climate change and international price uncertainty on the Sudanese sorghum market: a stochastic approach Maria Sassi Department of Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "Impact of climate change and international price uncertainty on the Sudanese sorghum market: a stochastic approach Maria Sassi Department of Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Impact of climate change and international price uncertainty on the Sudanese sorghum market: a stochastic approach Maria Sassi Department of Economics and Management University of Pavia - Italy

2 Objective of the analysis
Possible sorghum price changes and likely probability of occurrence Different rainfall scenarios Price uncertainty on international markets

3 Importance of the analysis
Rainfall Sudanese agriculture Rainfall supports the overwhelming majority of Sudanese agricultural activities: 95% rain fed sector

4 Importance of the analysis
Rainfall Sudanese agriculture Rainfall supports the overwhelming majority of Sudanese agricultural activities: 95% rain fed sector - 93% of non-oil export revenues; 80% of labour force in rural areas.

5 Importance of the analysis
Rainfall Sudanese agriculture Rainfall supports the overwhelming majority of Sudanese agricultural activities: 95% rain fed sector 70% of domestic cereal production; the core of the country’s food security issue. - 93% of non-oil export revenues; 80% of labour force in rural areas.

6 Importance of the analysis
- Frequent extreme good or bed years; Concentrated in 4 months; The driest and the most at risk country in Africa. Rainfall Sudanese agriculture Rainfall supports the overwhelming majority of Sudanese agricultural activities: 95% rain fed sector 70% of domestic cereal production; the core of the country’s food security issue. - 93% of non-oil export revenues; 80% of labour force in rural areas.

7 Importance of the analysis
One of the major staple food Sudanese agriculture Sorghum Predominantly produced in rain-fed farming systems Quantities depend on rainy season and determine the marketed surplus Domestic prices International market prices 40% ( )

8 High levle of uncertainty
Objective of the analysis Possible sorghum price changes and likely probability of occurrence Different rainfall scenarios Price uncertainty on international markets High levle of uncertainty

9 High level of uncertainty
Objective of the analysis Possible sorghum price changes and likely probability of occurrence Different rainfall scenarios Price uncertainty on international markets Stochastic model High level of uncertainty

10 Value added of the analysis
Contribution to: - Climate change, agriculture and food security - Climate change and markets - Price transmission Combination of two stochastic variables, overcoming the traditional time-series or panel data studies, two markets in the same country (confounding ommitted variables)

11 Two markets: markets work as auction for free trade sorghum that is not allowed from being traded outside auction fences Most important and best organised Obeid Different degree of vulnerability to climate change Gedaref Kordofan: acute vulnerability to extreme climate changes Gedaref: surplus producing area

12 Probability distribution
The stochastic method Parametric model Probability distribution input variables Stochastic model 1 Model prediction X

13 The parametric model Annual changes Monthly production of sorghum
Monthly rainfall (mm) Monthly wholesale sorghum price (mk. incentive) Annual changes

14 The parametric model Annual changes Monthly production of sorghum
Monthly rainfall (mm) Monthly wholesale sorghum price (mk. incentive) Annual changes Monthly domestic price of sorghum Monthly international price of sorghum Annual changes

15 The parametric model Monthly production of sorghum
Monthly rainfall (mm) Monthly wholesale sorghum price (mk. incentive) Monthly domestic price of sorghum Monthly international price of sorghum

16 The parametric model Time period 2002-2010
Monthly production of sorghum Monthly rainfall (mm) Monthly wholesale sorghum price (mk. incentive) Time period Monthly domestic price of sorghum Monthly international price of sorghum

17 The parametric model estimate


19 The stochastic variables
RiskLogistic PDF RiskTriangular PDF

20 The stochastic models Model 1 Model 2 Model 3


22 the dry and wet scenario
The stochastic model: the dry and wet scenario Model 1 Model 3 defined considering the projections made in the occasion of the Sudan’s First National Communication to the UNFCCC and equal to a decrease of about 5 percent per month during the rainy season by 2060.

23 *Upper delimiter defined setting the lower delimiter equal to 0

24 From an agricultural to a market perspective
Conclusions (1) Rainfall Sorghum price Different explanatory capacity according to Agricultural system Ecosystem Specific focus on agricultural sector and its production factors Government of Sudan: ecological approach to climate change From an agricultural to a market perspective

25 Conclusions (2) From an agricultural to a market perspective
Domestic and international price From supply side policies to a coordination of policies Sorghum and food security Water management and R&D irrigation Wet scenario Expantion of irrigated farming system

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