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Hello, My name is Megan Mocko and I teach Introduction to Statistics for UF Online. I really want to convey my passion for the subject to my students.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello, My name is Megan Mocko and I teach Introduction to Statistics for UF Online. I really want to convey my passion for the subject to my students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello, My name is Megan Mocko and I teach Introduction to Statistics for UF Online. I really want to convey my passion for the subject to my students. I am excited by the new Lightboard studio that has been created by the UF Physics Department. ADVANCE SLIDE

2 Write and Draw on the Lightboard
I am standing behind a piece of glass that allows me to write formulas or draw diagrams on…….. WRITE AN EQUATION AND DRAW A DIAGRAM, THEN ADVANCE SLIDE

3 Write and Draw on the Lightboard
Anything From a Computer Basically anything from a computer like graphics or powerpoint can be included….. ADVANCE SLIDE

4 Draw on Graphics Write and Draw on the Lightboard
Finally, if my graphic has a black background I can walk into my graphic and draw directly on it……….(ILLUSTRATE)….. PRESS AUTO AND GO TO COMPUTER AND READ SLIDES

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