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Business Accounting Chapter 2.

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1 Business Accounting Chapter 2

2 Free Enterprise System

3 CHOICE: produce what you want & use money as you wish

4 INNOVATION: new and better products and services

5 COMPETITION: businesses compete and try to make profit

6 ENTREPRENEURSHIP: taking risks on new ideas in business and transforming them into real-world applications

7 Profit and Loss

8 Profit: money earned above amount spent,
needed to continue operating in long term

9 Loss: more costs than earnings

10 Three types of businesses:

11 Service: provides service for fee

12 Merchandising: resells final goods to consumer

13 Manufacturing: turns raw material into finished product

14 Capital: money invested in a business by an owner

15 Three forms of business organization:
Sole Proprietorship Partnership Corporation

16 Sole Proprietorship has only one owner oldest and most common; easiest to form owner keeps profit

17 Partnership bound by partnership agreement money to be invested responsibilities division of profits and losses

18 Corporation needs charter has life of its own owned by shareholders
(permission from state) has life of its own owned by shareholders many start as sole proprietorship or partnership

19 The Role of Accounting record and report accurate, timely, useful, financial information as it relates to the profits and losses of a business Accounting is the language of business.

20 Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
Basic accounting rules apply to all businesses. Different businesses may use different accounting systems but follow same rules. 

21 Steps in an accounting system
collect and verify source documents analyze business transaction what did we get, what did we give? journalize transaction (post to the ledger) classify (trial balance) prove

22 (worksheet) summarize
financial reporting adjust close post-closing trial balance

23 Users of financial information:
government unions management creditors customers owner investors

24 Financial Accounting: Management Accounting:
Types of Accounting Financial Accounting: external users Management Accounting: internal users

25 Accounting Assumptions

26 accounting records contain only information related to the business entity
business will continue to operate as a going concern

27 money amounts of fixed buying power are the unit of measure for transactions
the time period covered by an accounting report is a fiscal period or accounting period

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