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Geographic Porting Process : UK

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1 Geographic Porting Process : UK
Brief description or expansion of title Presenter’s name 16 November 2018 Presentation title

2 Technical Principles used in Number Porting:-
Types of Numbers in UK Geographic Numbers -  Geographic numbers are fixed line numbers and physical terminate at the customer end e.g. (01XX and 02XX numbers) Non Geographic Numbers – Non Geo Numbers are toll free numbers e.g. (03XX and 08XX numbers) Technical Principles used in Number Porting:- In UK Range Holder ( to whom UK regulatory OFCOM assign 10k block) routes the traffic towards Gaining service Provider and incase Range holder and Losing provider are different Porting needs to be agreed with both providers.

3 Porting Windows and Porting Procedure
UK have the standard porting windows which from 08:00 to 17:00 (Monday to Friday). A fixed one off charge of 220 GBP is applicable for port requests in OOH slots for weekdays and weekends. Porting team receives the porting request from either AE, Colt Reseller or directly from the customer. The port date is set according to the industry lead time after receiving the completed porting form. Once a porting date has been agreed with customer, the porting team will initiate the porting process and will notify the customer as and when necessary. If the customer does not want to port on the scheduled date then the porting team needs to be notified at least two days prior to port date.

4 Important Information Required
To Port Geo Numbers Colt requires two forms: GNP Order Form LOA The following details must be included: Customer Name, Current Address details, Post code Circuit ref, OHS ref, Number Range to be Ported along with Main billing number, Port date, Technician ID from customer end Name of the losing Operator (e.g. BT, GAMMA , Vodafone etc) Letter of Authority (LOA) duly signed from customer with Current Provider name, Site address with Post code and telephone numbers to be Ported

5 Industry Lead Time to Port the Geo Numbers to Colt
Single Line Number A Single Line order is for a single line which terminates on a socket that has a single number allocated to the line. Please note, the above lead time starts when the Porting Team submits the request to the current provider

6 Industry Lead time to Port the Geo Numbers to Colt
Multi Line Number Multi-line orders cater for ranges of numbers or PBX groups that terminate on equipment (e.g. ISDN) configured for use by an End User or Customer Please note, the above lead time starts from the day when the Porting Team submits the request to the current provider

7 Reasons for Refusal Incorrect Main Billing Number
Number already ported to different losing provider other than the one mentioned by customer Missing numbers (customer contract includes more then the given numbers) OOH resource unavailability from losing operator Partial Porting Incorrect Post code Incorrect account number, customer details and post code (incase of Non- Geo)


9 Technical View for Porting
All the Activation and Scheduling in regards to Porting are done by UK Porting team and can be contacted at or / (UK only) Customer Switch Maintainer to contact Porting Team to proceed with Porting. Porting Team calls Range Holder and Current Provider to release the numbers. Porting Team to make technical changes on COLT network. Porting Team Performs the testing and confirm customer about successful Port completion. Customer Switch Maintainer to notify Porting Team via (or call), confirming all testing has been completed and the port has been successful. On Completion OHS and NMTS work is completed accordingly as per order.


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