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Relations with Latin America

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1 Relations with Latin America
Mr. Davis

2 Background: Latin America wanted nothing to do with U.S. trade
In 1889, the government met to try and enter a trade agreement with Latin America, but it failed.


4 Roosevelt and the Panama Canal:
In 1901 Roosevelt became president and was determined to build a canal through Isthmus of Panama Isthmus= A narrow strip of land connecting two larger bodies of land Panama was an ideal place because it was located between the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean


6 With the canal the U.S. would greatly benefit from commerce and military capability by avoiding a trip around South America. It would cut the trip by 8,000 miles



9 A Failed Deal: In order to get the deal passed Roosevelt has to make a deal with Columbia, which Panama belonged to. First deal: $10 Million cash/$250,000 a year to rent a piece of land strip

10 Was this a fair deal? Why or why not?

11 Revolution in Panama: Many Panamanian’s wanted to break away from Columbia and Roosevelt would use this to his advantage. He supported a rebellion November 2, 1903: The U.S. warship drops anchor in Colon Panama-the next day the revolt took place. The U.S. troops blocked Columbian troops.

12 November 3, 1903: Panama declares its independence
Panama then agrees to the U.S. building the canal, based on the same conditions offered to Colombia.


14 Battling Disease: Because of the tropical heat and heavy rainfall, Panama was known as a “Mosquito Paradise”. With the mosquitos carrying two major disease, malaria and yellow fever, the builders struggled greatly.


16 Dr. William Gorgas cured yellow fever in Cuba and set out to do the same in Panama
He drained swamps, sprayed insecticide and by 1906, cured yellow fever in Panama


18 Policy in Latin America:
With the building of the Panama Canal the U.S. was more involved than ever with Latin America.

19 Dollar Diplomacy: Roosevelts successor William Taft favored strong American roles in Latin America He urged bankers to invest in Latin America as well.


21 It would be better to use trade than warships to expand
It would be better to use trade than warships to expand. Building an economic tie which was also known as dollar diplomacy. Dollar diplomacy had it’s struggles however, the U.S. sometimes had to use military forces. In 1912 the U.S. sent military ships to Nicaragua to protect investments.

22 Wilson’s Plan: Elected in 1912, Woodrow Wilson believed in “moral diplomacy” Meaning having moral principles, spread peace and democracy and end imperialism.


24 Relations with Mexico:
By 1912 America invest over $1 billion dollars to develop mines, oil wells, railroads, and ranches. In 1910, Mexican’s rebelled against President Diaz,

25 The new president, Madero, promised a democratic reform.
Three years later he was killed. Wilson stated that he would not do business with a bunch of butchers and murderers.

26 Was President Wilson right in making this decision to not work Mexico
Was President Wilson right in making this decision to not work Mexico? Why would he decide this?

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