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Multiscale Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer during DYNAMO

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Presentation on theme: "Multiscale Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer during DYNAMO"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multiscale Variability of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer during DYNAMO
Richard H. Johnson Paul E. Ciesielski Colorado State University The Madden-Julian Oscillation: Observations, Theoretical Understanding, Modeling, and Prediction; AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, December 2017 Kaustav Chakravarty

2 DYNAMO/CINDY/AMIE Sounding Domain
Boundary layer properties investigated at 3 sites Amplitude of MJO signal (20-day low-pass filtered 450-hPa −𝜔; hPa h-1) (Johnson and Ciesielski 2017, JAS)

3 4 October Soundings at R/V Revelle
Procedure for determining mixed layers: soundings Each sounding evaluated subjectively (5-hPa resolution) Mixed layers: θ and q have approximately well-mixed structure over same depth, capped by distinct increase in stability, drying above; entrainment zone evident in majority of cases Results backed up by recently developed objective procedure 08 L 14 L q q θ θ m hPa θ q θ q ENTRAINMENT ZONE 07 L 13 L

4 Shallow cumulus layers frequently observed
4 October Soundings at R/V Revelle 07 L 13 L Cumulus cloud bases are at the top of the entrainment zone, so arguably it is important to accurately predict mixed layer properties in order to properly represent cumulus cloud populations “trade-like” stable layer q q θ θ 07 L 13 L Shallow cumulus layers frequently observed

5 Terra/MODIS visible image (250 m)
Revelle Soundings 4 October 2011 Many soundings show indication of “trade-like” stable layer near 2 km or 800 hPa, especially during buildup phase of MJO Terra/MODIS Visible Image (250 m)

6 Recovering Boundary Layer Wake at R/V Revelle
22 November 2011 θ 04 LT 9-12 h TOGA radar on Revelle Comparable to wake recovery periods found in TOGA COARE (Young, Perugini, Fairall 1995) 0729 LT 22 Nov 1859 LT 22 Nov

7 Mean Mixed Layer Statistics
Mean zi ML 503 69 535 72 491 64 (m) frequency (%) Gan Mal 𝒆 Revelle Undist. Trades ~600 (1 Oct–15 Dec) COARE* GATE** * Johnson et al. (2001) ** Fitzjarrald and Garstang (1981)

8  Two prominent MJO events: October and November
 MJO envelopes consists of westward- and eastward-moving disturbances Time EAST AFRICA DYNAMO ARRAY MJO 2 SUMATRA BORNEO

9 Mixed Layers at Mal 𝒆 , Gan, and Revelle
Shallower MLs during rainy periods, less so at Gan Oct/Nov MJO modulation of ML depth greatest at Mal 𝑒  and Revelle Greatest ML depths at Gan during dry, suppressed period in Jan and Feb MJO1 MJO2

10 Addu Atoll Why is MJO modulation of ML depth less at Gan Island?
Diurnal heating/cooling of atoll makes lower portion of Gan soundings less representative of open ocean Mal 𝑒 & especially Revelle more representative of open ocean Gan sounding site Mal 𝑒 is much smaller 10 km l l

11 data courtesy Edson, Fairall, de Szoeke
R/V Revelle ML depths, LCL ? ML deepens during SST warming phases Buoyancy flux F nearly constant during early Oct: weakening L-S subsidence promoted ML growth ML grows above LCL, promoting cloud growth SST diurnal cycle during ocean warming phases Surface buoyancy flux, wind speed data courtesy Edson, Fairall, de Szoeke

12 Diurnal cycle of mixed layer at Gan Island
- 8 October - 04 L 07 10 13 16 19 23 01 θ 250 m diurnal variation Large diurnal cycle during suppressed periods q Gan ARM Sounding Site However, Gan soundings influenced by atoll heating/cooling

13 Nocturnal rainfall peak still present, typical of open ocean
Mixed layer at Revelle more representative of open ocean Diurnal Cycle at Revelle, November Afternoon SST peak leads to increased F, reduction in zLCL – zi , more BL thermals can reach condensation levels, afternoon cloud cover and rainfall maximum Nocturnal rainfall peak still present, typical of open ocean Explains semi-diurnal rainfall maxima

14 SUMMARY Atmospheric mixed layers observed for ~70% of soundings; mean depth ~ m; findings similar to TOGA COARE, GATE Mixed layers modulated on multiple time scales MLs deepen during MJO suppressed phase Modulation of ML by MJO less distinct at Gan: possible explanation – atoll heating/cooling effects Afternoon ML peak on suppressed days at Revelle associated with SST diurnal warm layer; concurrent afternoon peaks in rainfall/echo area coverage Increase in cloudiness/rain on MJO-to-diurnal time scales a result of ML growth, allowing more BL thermals to reach condensation levels Risky to generalize atoll/island BL properties to open ocean

15 Extra slides

16 ML depth varies on MJO time scale
TOGA COARE Mixed layer deepest during light-rain periods, shallowest during rain periods ML depth varies on MJO time scale (Johnson et al. 2001)

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