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Corruption Plagues the Nation

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1 Corruption Plagues the Nation
Notes 10.3

2 Political Power Proves Difficult to Keep
Grant was a disappointing president, although a war hero, he had scandals and corruption which made his presidency weak Many members of his cabinet and appointment were greedy and took political bribes

3 Political Power Proves Difficult to Keep
In comparison to Lincoln, Republican presidents of the Gilded Age were weak Hayes, Harrison, Garfield, and Arthur Grover Cleveland was a democrat president known for his integrity

4 Growth of Political Machines and Corruption
Spoils system awarded jobs to supporters regardless of qualifications Political machines were corrupt, and elected people to office by buying votes and rewarded jobs to supporters Pendergast (Kansas City) “Boss” Tweed (NYC)

5 Growth of Political Machines and Corruption
Pendleton Civil Service Act bureaucrats hired based upon ability rather than political affiliation They take an exam to get a federal job Enacted after the assassination of Garfield

6 Economic Policy Challenges Continue
Panic of 1873 – bank failures, job losses, and unstable economy Politicians began to debate whether the gold standard should stay in affect Gold standard – paper money was back by gold reserves

7 Economic Policy Challenges Continue
Tariffs were argued by both sides whether they helped or hurt American economy Conflict was over whether money was backed by gold and silver or just gold Farmers supported silver and gold Bankers supported gold

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