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World Leaders.

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1 World Leaders

2 Mohandas Gandhi India. Headed nationalist movement.
Nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience. Salt March. Rejected Caste System. Encouraged western ideas.

3 Adolf Hitler Germany. Promised Germany that he would restore German pride after WWI. Germans were a superior race. Was a dictator. Went against Treaty of Versailles. Used propaganda in education and arts. Tried to drive minorities out of Germany (Jews). Helped cause WWII.

4 Joseph Stalin Ruler of Russia. Totalitarian dictator.
Wanted to spread communism. Took over for Lenin. Wanted to industrialize Russia (5 year plan). Collective farms. Cult of personality. Great purge where he killed those who wanted to take over for him.

5 Nelson Mandela Africa. African National Congress.
Opposed Apartheid and launched boycotts and civil disobedience. Freed and became president.

6 Mao Zedong China. In the 1930s he was leader of the Communists.
Won support of the peasants. Rejected Confucian ideas. People felt nationalists had allowed foreigners to dominate. Wanted to modernize China. Launched the “great leap forward” to increase output. Cultural Revolution to make people loyal to Communism. Little red book.

7 Martin Luther 95 theses. Indulgences Protestant Reformation.
Broke away from the Catholic Church.

8 Mansa Musa Leader of the Mali Empire. Ran efficient government.
Converted to Islam. Controlled gold trade routes.

9 Philip II Spain, divine right.
Hard working ruler, promoted golden age of Spain. Relied on gold and silver to expand empire.

10 Genghis Khan Leader of the Mongols. Name means “World Emperor”.
Built the largest empire in the world, developed the best military technology.

11 Zheng He Chinese admiral.
First explorer who went to the Arabian Peninsula, India and Africa. Exchanged Chinese silks for luxury items.

12 Leonardo da Vinci Artist during the Renaissance. Mona Lisa.
Sketches for flying machines and submarines.

13 Michelangelo Sculptor and artist during the Renaissance.
Statue of David. Dome of St. Peter’s Church.

14 Louis XIV King of France. Sun King.
Took over at age of 5 and stayed for 72 years. Built the palace of Versailles and created a highly organized government. Left France in great debt and taxed the people very heavily.

15 Peter the Great Czar of Russia.
Wanted to modernize and westernize Russia. Made St. Petersburg the “window of the west.” Built largest army in Europe. Wanted a warm water port.

16 Thomas Hobbes Wrote Leviathan.
People are naturally greedy and selfish. Need absolute ruler to make sure people don’t have anarchy.

17 Copernicus and Galileo
Challenged the church’s view that the earth was the center of the universe. Created the Heliocentric theory.

18 John Locke Enlightenment thinker.
Believed that people had “natural rights”. Rights were life, liberty and property.

19 Montesquieu Enlightenment thinker.
Believed that no one person (or branch) should have to much power. Believed that there should be 3 branches (Separation of powers).

20 Voltaire Enlightenment thinker.
Believed that there should be free speech. Believed in religious toleration.

21 Jean Jacques Rousseau Wrote the “Social Contract”.
People are naturally good but corrupted by the evils of society. Do the will of the majority not what is best for the individual.

22 Catherine the Great Enlightened despot, which is a king or queen who believes in the idea that people should have more rights. Russian leader. Wanted to westernize Russia.

23 Maximilien Robespierre
Leader during the French Revolution. Led the Reign of Terror. Was executed after the reign.

24 Napoleon Bonaparte Had a coup d’etat to take over France during the Revolution. Created an empire and took over as Emperor. Created the Napoleonic Code which was a legal code taking over much of Europe. Invaded Russia which led to his fall.

25 Toussaint L’Ouverture
Slave who led a revolt and independence movement in Haiti.

26 Simon Bolivar Leader of a revolutionary movement against the Spanish.
Called the “Liberator”.

27 Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi
Leaders of Italian independence movements during the 1860s.

28 Otto von Bismarck Leader of German nationalist movements.
Blood and Iron trying to industrialize Germany.

29 Adam Smith Laissez faire economics.
Government stay out of business during the Industrial Revolution. Wrote “The Wealth of Nations”.

30 Muhammad Founder of the Islamic faith. Created the 5 pillars of Islam.
Born in Mecca and traveled to Medina.

31 Buddha Founder of the Buddhist faith. Called “the Enlightened One”.
Four Noble Truths and 8 Fold Path. Said people should want to reach Nirvana.

32 Confucius Founder of Confucianism. China.
Said people should no their role in society- people should follow the proper relationships.

33 Justinian Leader of the Byzantine empire.
Created Justinian’s Code- which are a series of laws which are followed even today.

34 Neville Chamberlain Leader of the British at the beginning of WWII.
Followed a policy of appeasement.

35 Winston Chamberlain Leader of Britain who pushed the British to carry on and not followed a policy of appeasement.

36 Vasco da Gama Sailed around the coast (tip) of Africa to reach India.
Led the search to avoid the Muslims throughout the Middle East.

37 Ferdinand Magellan 1st man given “credit” for traveling around the world.

38 Christopher Columbus 1st explorer to sail west. Discovered America.

39 Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Archduke of Austria-Hungary. His assassination led to the beginning of WWI.

40 Karl Marx Revolution by the working class (bourgeoisie) over the proletariat (Business owners). Came up with the idea of Communism/Socialism.

41 Vladimir Lenin Leader of the Russian Revolution.
Peace, land and bread. Ended WWI with Germany. Led the Bolsheviks.

42 Kemal Ataturk Leader of “Modern” Turkey. Wanted to modernize Turkey.
Replace Islamic law with European model.

43 Mussolini Leader of Italy during WWII. Helped create the Axis Powers.
Had a Fascist government.

44 Jomo Kenyatta Led the independence movement of the Kenyans over the British.

45 Yasser Arafat Leader of the PLO. Fought against the Israelis.
Wanted Palestinian independence.

46 Ayatollah Khomeini Leader of the Iranian revolution.
Became the leader of Iran. Wanted to get rid of western ideas in Iran.

47 Saddam Hussein Leader of Iraq.
Invaded Kuwait, led to the 1st Gulf War. Believed to have weapons of mass destruction.

48 Alexander the Great Leader of the Greek empire. Hellenistic culture.
Blending of the Greek, Indian, Egyptian and Persian cultures.

49 Slobodan Milosevic Leader of Serbia.
Accused of War Crimes against those in Serbia, Croatia and Kosovo.

50 Mikhail Gorbachev Last leader of the Soviet Union.
Believed in Glasnost and Perestroika. Pushed for freedom and was leader when the Soviet Union collapsed.

51 Boris Yeltsin 1st President of the Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union. Led the Russians defeat communist hardliners who wanted to keep communism .


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