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Unit 3: What’s the Matter? Lab Book Set-Up

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1 Unit 3: What’s the Matter? Lab Book Set-Up
Draw Table of Contents on page: 36 Table of Contents should have 3 columns: Date, Assignment, Page Label Pages 37 & 38: What’s the Matter Bell Work On pages 37 & 38 Make 4 Sections and Label: Term of the Week, Video Journal of the Week, Quote of the Week, & Joke of the Week Attach Unit 3: What’s the Matter? Learning Scale to pg. 39 Read through scale and write a reflection as to where you are on the scale. Be specific and justify your reason.

2 Unit 3: What’s the Matter?
Learning GOAL: The student will be able classify and compare substances on the basis of characteristic physical properties that can be demonstrated or measured; for example, density, thermal or electrical conductivity, solubility, magnetic properties, melting and boiling points, and know that these properties are independent of the amount of the sample. Learning Targets: ____ Identify physical properties of substances and explain they do not change regardless of the sample size. ____ Correctly measure mass and volume of an object to calculate and describe density (D=M/V) ____ Classify and compare specific substances based on their physical properties.

3 Particles in Motion AVID Vocabulary Foldable
Step 1: Fold 2 pieces of paper hotdog style Step 2: Create 6 tabs by drawing 5 lines 4.5cm apart Step 3: Cut the top 2 layers of the paper along each line- BE SURE NOT TO CUT ALL LAYERS OF THE PAPER!! Step 4: Separate the 2 sheets of paper and glue into your notebook on pages ____ STEPS FOR COMPLETING VOCABULARY FOLDABLE Step 1: Illustrate each word on outside of flap- NO WORDS OR NUMBERS Step 2: Inside of each flap- Write the Word & and a Link Word Step 3: Adjacent to the word & link Write the Definition and 2 Sentences that helps to show the meaning of the word

4 What’s the Matter? Vocabulary Foldable
Complete the Vocabulary Foldable for the following terms (pgs.) ___ Physical Properties ____ Boiling Point _____ Melting Point ___ Density ____ Mass ____ Celsius ___Thermal Conductivity ____ Volume ____ Malleability ___ Electrical Conductivity ____ Solvent ___ Solubility _____ Solute ___ Magnetic Properties _____ Saturation

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