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Responding to an Emergency

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1 Responding to an Emergency
Chapter 2

2 Emergency Action Steps
CHECK The scene & victim CALL 9-1-1 or the local emergency number Know your location CARE For the victim until help arrives Make a clear path for EMS

3 Check Is the scene safe? What happened? How many victims?
Bystanders available to help? Check

4 Moving a victim DO NOT move unless in immediate danger
Fire, flood, explosion If you must move a victim, do it quickly & carefully Moving a victim

5 Life Threatening Unconscious Trouble breathing
No signs of life (breathing, pulse, movement) Severe bleeding Life Threatening

6 When to call 9-1-1 Unconscious or altered level of consciousness
Trouble breathing Chest discomfort Severe bleeding Abdominal pressure that wont go away Seizure lasting more than 5 mins, or pregnant/diabetic Injury to head, neck, or back Severe headache/slurred speech Broken bones Severe burn When to call 9-1-1

7 When to call 9-1-1 cont. Fire or explosion Poisonous gas
Downed electrical wires Swiftly moving or rapidly rising water Motor vehicle collision Victims who cannot be moved easily When to call cont.

8 Things to know before calling
The exact address or location Street, city, landmarks Phone number you are calling from What happened Car accident, fall, explosion Number of people involved Condition of victims Unconscious, chest pains Care being given Things to know before calling

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