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Communist China Review.

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1 Communist China Review

2 Sun Yat-Sen (Yixian ) Sun had three goals called the three principles
They focused on nationalism, democracy, and livelihood for all people. His goal was to end foreign domination in China. In 1911, workers, peasants, students and warlords toppled the Qing dynasty. Sun Yixian was named president of the Chinese Republic. After Sun Yat-Sen’s death, Chiang Kai-Shek took over the nationslist party or Kuomintang

3 Republic Of China When Civil War broke out in China, the war was set between the Nationalists and the Communists. The Communists defeated the Nationalists, who fled to Taiwan and created the Republic Of China. The Communists took over mainland China and named it the People’s Republic of China.

4 In 1949, after 22 years of civil war (war within China), China became the second country in the world (after the Soviet Union) to adopt Communism.

5 Mao Zedong He was the first leader of the Chinese Communist Party.
He gained the support of the  peasants because he promised to provide them with their own land once the Communists were brought to power.

6 Great Leap Forward This was the attempt by Mao to modernize (update) the industrial (factory) and agricultural (farm) production of China. Peasants in China were forced to move onto large government farms called communes. This program was very similar to the Five Year Plans and Collectivization that took place in the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. Both Mao and Stalin had a command (or communist) economy in which the government owned businesses and farms and made all economic decisions. The Great Leap Forward- resulted in massive famine and was a huge failure for Mao

7 The Great Chinese Proletariat Cultural Revolution
Mao launched the Cultural Revolution to renew people’s loyalty to the Communist party and to establish a more equitable society. Mao feared that peasants and farm workers were being replaced by the intellectuals, so he shut down the schools. This was a period in China where Mao used violent young Communist soldiers (known as Red Guards) to eliminate all of the opposition (enemies) that he had within China. The Little Red Book was a series of quotes by Mao on how China should run. It was used by the Red Guard to create a cult for Mao.

8 Deng Xiaoping He was the ruler in China after Mao Zedong.
1980: Deng Xiaoping called for moderate changes in Communism. Deng changed the economy of China from a command/communist economy (in which the government owns businesses) to a market/capitalist/free enterprise economy (in which individuals own businesses). This is the system that is largely used in China today. He reformed China using Four Modernizations The Four modernizations focused on: Farming: modernized and mechanized Industry: upgraded and expanded Science and technology were promoted. Defense: military forces were improved

9 Tiananmen Square-1989 This was a series of protests where the Chinese peacefully demanded democratic reforms (changes)- They wanted more rights and a say in government. Deng Xiaoping called in the army to repress (end) the protests. Hundreds of Chinese protesters were killed or arrested. This proved that China’s government was not willing to make democratic changes.

10 China’s Human Rights Violations
China will not give political freedoms. China has been known for human rights violations. China’s violations of human rights have strained relations with western nations and the United States.

11 China controls the Buddhist region of Tibet
China controls the Buddhist region of Tibet. The people of Tibet want independence (self-government). China denies its people human rights (such as freedom of speech and the right to vote). In order to prevent overpopulation (China has 1.3 billion people), the government of China only allows each family to have one child. China’s violations of human rights have strained relations with western nations and the United States. Modern Issues

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