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Presentation on theme: "DANISH INSPIRE IMPLEMENTATION"— Presentation transcript:

S Stampe Villadsen National Survey and cadastre

2 INSPIRE INSPIRE builds on national infrastructures.
INSPIRE is in line with the general Danish developments INSPIRE will become the standard for public data sets. INSPIRE creates the legal framework for further development of Danish infrastructures for spatial information. INSPIRE is a facilitator for e-Government. A few introductory considerations In Line with the general Danish developments means, that even there were no INSPIRE Directive the general development in Denmark would move towards the same direction – but it creates the legal framework for the development

3 INSPIRE outcome A Danish geoportal
Harmonised metadata for data and services Services for discovery, viewing, download and tranformation Harmonised rules for data access Access to 34 “environment related” data themes First of all: INSPIRE will formalize Danish Spatial Infrastructure. INSPIRE secures knowledge on What data is available where? How to get access to data? Rules and regulations? INSPIRE secures access to: Seamless harmonized data via standardised network and portals INSPIRE gives us: A legal base for infrastructure and spatial data It implies that we in about a year will have legally based rules and regulations on infrastructure in the form of a separate law.

INTEROPERABILITY BETWEEN DATASETS AND - SERVICES NETSERVICES M B METADATA FOR SPATIAL DATA AND SERVICES conditions quality owner-information limitations CONDITIONS FOR ACCESS TO AND USE OF DATA CO-ORDINATION AND REPORTING STRUCTURES DATA THEME - 1 DATA THEME - 2 DATA THEME - 3 The bookcase is a valid illustration of the INSPIRE infrastructure. The empty bookcase signals stability and structure. It is an infrastructure. The labels are the INSPIRE definition of the infrastructure. The first five is the generic description of the infrastructure. The environment is represented on shelf 6. Something is missing. The ring binders or the manuals with all the detailed regulations. They are under preparation by the drafting teams. Now we all have a clear picture of the definition on an infrastructure. Now the question is whether or nor we do have an Danish infrastructure.

5 Do we have a Danish spatial data infrastructure y/n?
Yes - because of the many existing infrastructure components No - because of the lack of a legal basis Examples on Danish spatial infrastructure components: All maps in ETRS89 Implementation of European Grid Digital administrative boundaries Unique addresses for all buildings Digital cadastral maps Shared digital ”technical” maps and digital topographic ”maps” (FOT) Digital height models ( cm) BBR (the Building and Dwelling Register) Map-services and portals The Map-supply Public Information Server The Environmental Portal WMS and WFS cookbooks etc: GML standards If we are formalistic and the prerequisite is that the infrastructure is based on laws and belonging regulations the answer is no. If we look at the available components the answer presumeably is yes. But my answer is no. We don’t have rules and regulations. What we have is a number of components created on a voluntary basis, by concensus. I believe that the voluntariness and the consencus based approach or if you like it that way - culture- have been the big driver. As you can se on the overhead we have made progress as well on the data side, the service and architecture side as well within standardisation. With the hypothesis that we do not have a formal infrastructure it is interesting to evaluate the existing components. What is the level of readiness.

Level of readiness Activity Metadata “Geodata-info” based on ISO standards INSPIRE compliant Harmonization/ Interoperability FOT data-specification; GML standard Reference-data committee; OIO-data standards IT architecture and services OIO – It standards; SOA; WMS, WFS KMS map-supply; various portals Conditions for use In a preparation phase Co-ordination and Reporting Structures Provisional co-ordination structure in place. As you can see, I have focused on the five generic infrastructure elements: Metadata, harmonisation, It-architecture and services etc…… And you can see my rough estimates of readiness or if you like maturity. This is not a bad picture. I’ll postulate that we, compared several other countries, has a sound and well established basis for implementation of a formalized infrastructure for spatial information.

7 General schedule for implementation of INSPIRE
Entry in force of the directive May 2007 Entry in force of Danish laws and regulations May 2009 Law on “Infrastructure for Geographic Information” will be presented for the Parliament autumn 2008 Denne overhead taler for sig selv. Vi får to år til at implementere direktivet i dansk lovgivning og de første tekniske løsninger skal være på plads et år efter.


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