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Injuries to the Tissues

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1 Injuries to the Tissues
Chapter 14


3 Cells Cell- the basic unit of life
Cells and the tissue that they form allow the body to perform the functions that are vital to life, such as breathing, eliminating waste products, and maintaining homeostasis Cells reproduce through cell division. Cell division in the reproductive organs is called meiosis. Cell division at any other location in the body is called mitosis.

4 Tissues Tissues- a collection of similar cells and their intracellular substances that work together to perform a particular function. Epithelial tissues-main tissue of skins, protects internal organs and assists in regulating body temp, forms glands. Injuries can include abrasions, laceration punctures, avulsions, infection, inflammation and disease Connective Tissue- supports and connects other tissues, adispose tissue stores fat, includes cartilage and bone Nerve Tissue- serves as a pathwasy for communication from the CNS, includes the brain, spinal cord and nerves. Injuries can include contusions and crushed/severed nerves Muscle tissue- allows movement and power through contraction, includes skeletal/striated, cardiac, and smooth/visceral

5 After an injury Inflammatory response phase begins 1. redness
2. swelling 3. tenderness and pain 4. increased temperature 5. loss of function


7 Controlling Bleeding Controlling bleeding is vital because the body does not have an excess amount of blood Hemorrhaging (profuse bleeding) could be a life threatening situation Internal bleeding could be caused by blunt force trauma or a medical condition such as an ulcer or ectopic pregnancy

8 Capillary Bleeding Most common type of external bleeding
While wearing gloves, apply a sterile pad and compression This includes minor cuts, scratches and abrasions

9 Venous Bleeding Blood from a venous would be a dark maroon shade and flow steadily Loss of blood flow depends on size of the vein Wear gloves, apply pressure for at least 6 min. ( blood beings to clot in 4-6 min), if pad becomes soaked, place a fresh one directly over the soiled one Hemophiliacs require a visit to the doctor for blood clotting factors; continue to apply pressure

10 Arterial bleed Caused by a puncture or severed artery
Bright red and pulsates/squirts Serious, shock prevention is vital Apply direct pressure and elevate if possible (if not successful, apply indirect pressure) Indirect pressure requires pressure at the pressure point directly above injury Ice allows for vasoconstriction (slows blood flow)

11 General Principles for Wound Care
Wear gloves Control the bleed Prevent infection Clean wound Immobilize wound Apply ice (except for snakebite) Handle wound gently MD r/o infection

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