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Topic: Diverse Societies in Africa

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1 Topic: Diverse Societies in Africa

2 A Land of Geographic Contrasts
Challenging Environments Africa has many deserts -Sahara expanding Sahara southern edge- the Sahel. Rainforests are found near the central part of the continent. Savannas, or grasslands cover most of Africa

3 Early Humans Adapt to their Environments
Nomadic Lifestyle Earliest peoples are nomadic hunter-gatherers. Transition to a Settled Lifestyle Agriculture probably develops by 6,000 B.C. As the Sahara dried up farmers move to West Africa or Nile Valley. Agriculture allows permanent settlements and governments to develop

4 Early Societies in Africa
Societies organized by Family Groups Extended families made up several generations Families with common ancestors form groups known as clans Local Religions Early religions usually include elements of animism-belief in spirits inhabiting objects Keeping a History Few African societies have written languages History, literature, culture passed on by story tellers called griots.

5 West African Iron Age Learning about the past Nok Culture
Artifacts reveal how people lived in the past. Evidence of sub-Saharan cultures producing iron around 500 B.C. Nok Culture Nok—West Africa’s earliest known culture—made iron tools and weapons

6 West African Iron Age Djenne-Djeno
From B.C., cities began to develop near rivers and oases Djenne-Djeno, Africa’s oldest known city, was discovered in 1977. It was a bustling trade center that was linked to other West African towns through camel trade routes.

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