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BELLWORK: March 29th What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?

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Presentation on theme: "BELLWORK: March 29th What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BELLWORK: March 29th What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
Summarize the findings in the Lytton Report. How did Japan respond to this? Why didn’t the League take stronger action against Japan after the Manchurian Incident? (could reference sources on pg. 65) How did the United Front impact Japan’s expansion in China? List four reasons why the U.S. maintained isolationism. Why did the U.S. change its policy towards Japan after 1938? THINKER: Some historians suggested that Churchill and Jiang both gambled on the US entering the war in the Pacific. Why did they do that? Do you agree? Explain!

2 Current Event on Tuesday!
Find an article of personal interest! Print/cut out your article and attach it to your written/typed response. It must include: Citation One paragraph of summary One paragraph of personal response, opinion, etc. Two discussion questions to pose to the class

3 1.3 The International Responses to Japanese Aggression

4 Kellogg-Briand Pact “Collective Security” enforced by:
League Council: Britain, France, Italy & Japan (ONLY the council could take action against another member nation) “Collective Security” enforced by: Kellogg-Briand Pact Nine-Power Treaty Washington Conference System

5 League’s Response to Mukden/Manchurian Incident
China appealed to League citing Article 16 of the Covenant (pg 63) League acted cautiously Held numerous meetings (US & Japan attend) Japanese government cooperated, but NOT the military League sent a “fact-finding mission”  Lytton Report

6 League’s Response to Mukden/Manchurian Incident
Lytton Report found: Japan had special interests in Manchuria Use of force was unacceptable Japan should withdrawal troops immediately Manchukuo is NOT an independent state Stressed an improvement in Sino-Japanese relations How did Japan respond to these findings?

7 Why didn’t the League take stronger action against Japan after the Manchurian Incident?
Japan is not an immediate danger…. COMMUNISM IS!

8 How did the United Front impact Japan’s expansion in China?

9 U.S. Isolationism U.S. needed to pursue their own interests
Economy during GD should be the focus US security not directly threatened US lacked credible naval strength US had more investments in Japan than China US public did not believe this was America’s war

10 Isolationism and Neutrality  Lend-Lease
FDR did not like that the Neutrality Acts treated aggressor and victim the same  would need to take executive action!

11 Why did the U.S. change its policy towards Japan after 1938?
By end of 1937, Japan’s actions now become a major threat!  1938 is turning point in international response to Japan’s actions……. WHY??? Japan announced “New World Order” in Asia Japan’s Navy threatened “Open Door” If US didn’t aide GMD, Soviets would Public opinion favors end to Neutrality Acts Context of German and Italian expansion Tripartite Pact

12 International Response: 1938-1941

13 Reaction of the USA to the attack on Pearl Harbor
Declared war 12/8/41 THINKER: Some historians suggested that Churchill and Jiang both gambled on the US entering the war in the Pacific. Why did they do that? Do you agree? Explain! Churchill: “Hitler’s fate was sealed. Mussolini’s fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to powder.” Be ready to discuss the main points made my FDR, including his rationale for declaring war. (page 76)

14 Review Timeline: US vs. Japanese Actions  Outbreak of WWII in Asia
Directions Things to Include Both the U.S. and Japan blamed each other for the War in the Pacific On a review “timeline,” plot chain reaction of events that triggered the Pacific War. Color code US (Western) actions vs. Japanese Actions Use in textbook Your timeline should span from It needs to include Japan’s actions, events, and acts of expansion Also, need to include the actions and responses by the International community (mainly US)

15 EA 1 Practice You are going to complete the EA1 practice activity on the back of your yellow worksheet. Use the sources on pages of the 1.2 packet This will be good review, as well as, EA1 practice  What do you need to demonstrate in order to receive full marks? 20 points!

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