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Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Stem-Changing Verbs
e→ie o  ue e  I u  ue

2 Los verbos que cambian e→ie
Querer Pensar Cerrar Empezar Entender Preferir Perder Comenzar To want To think To close To begin (start) To understand To prefer To loose To start or begin

3 Los verbos que cambian e→ie
Preferir Perder Comenzar Sentir Calentar Special Yogo & eie Tener venir To prefer To loose To start or begin To feel To heat or warm up To have To come

4 Stem-changing verbs give their stems the boot!
How do these verbs work? Stem-changing verbs give their stems the boot!

5 All verbs have two parts:
Querer /ending Stem

6 Querer (eie) o emos es eis e en quier quer
First, let’s just add all the stems. quier quer o emos es eis e en Second, let’s add all the endings.

7 Querer (eie) quier quer queréis o emos es e en

8 Two steps for stem changing verbs:
Change the stem Change the ending Remember, e can change to ie only within the boot. This means the nosotros and vosotros forms never changes! If there are two e’s in the stem, the second one always changes.

9 Cerrar- to close cierr cerr cerráis o amos as a an

10 Preferir- to prefer prefier prefer preferís o imos es e en

11 Now it is your turn to conjugate the rest of the e ie stem changing verbs
Empezar Entender Pensar

12 empezar- to begin (start)
Empiezo Empezamos Empiezas Empezáis Empieza empiezan entender- to understand Entiendo Entendemos Entiendes Entendéis entiende entienden

13 pensar- to think pienso pensamos piensas pensáis piensa piensan

14 Los verbos que cambian o→ue
almorzar contar dormir encontrar mostrar poder + inf recordar volver To have lunch To tell or to count To sleep To find To show To be able to/ can To remember To return

15 Los verbos que cambian u→ue
jugar To play

16 almorzar- to have lunch
almuerz almorz almorzáis o amos as a an

17 contar- to tell or to count
cuento contamos cuentas contáis cuenta cuentan dormir- to sleep duermo dormimos duermes dormís duerme duermen

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