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11/17/2018 2016-2017 Student Re-engagement Grant End of Year Survey, SASIDs and Year 3 Budget May 2017 Webinar Training.

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Presentation on theme: "11/17/2018 2016-2017 Student Re-engagement Grant End of Year Survey, SASIDs and Year 3 Budget May 2017 Webinar Training."— Presentation transcript:

1 11/17/2018 Student Re-engagement Grant End of Year Survey, SASIDs and Year 3 Budget May 2017 Webinar Training

2 CDE SRG Contacts Tricia Walz Program and Evaluation Assistant
11/17/2018 CDE SRG Contacts Tricia Walz Program and Evaluation Assistant Judith Martinez Director, Office of Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement 2

3 Agenda Budget announcement
11/17/2018 Agenda Budget announcement How to log in to and use the Student Engagement Evaluation System (SEES) Discuss how to fill out and upload State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) excel file Review of the end of year survey and how to enter your data in Qualtrics Tips, Troubleshooting, and Questions 3

4 Purpose of EOY Reporting
Inform grantees of their progress to date Number of students served, programs strategies and services implemented, and progress on objectives and student outcomes Inform CDE management of the SRG program Identify service and support needs for technical assistance and identify actions taken to sustain your program Make improvements to SEES and Qualtrics Based on your troubleshooting questions and suggestions, we can work on improvements to the systems 4

5 Data Entry and Submission
What will you need for the Reporting? Completed Spreadsheet (template) SASIDs Local data responses for the end of year survey Due: July 14, 2017 Reporting Period: should only include data from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017 5

6 Student Engagement and Evaluation System (SEES)

7 What is SEES? SEES is the program used for the upload of SASIDs
All SRG grantees will be required to use this system to submit their SASIDs Note: Firefox is the best browser to use with SEES 7

8 How do I access SEES? If you have used SEES before, your current login will work for the end of year reporting Username: If you forgot your password 8

9 How do I access SEES? (Cont.)
If you are a new grantee, have had some personnel change, or changed your address follow these steps: Step 1: Your district LAM (Local Access Manager) will need to provide you with access to the SEES system. Your LAM’s role is to maintain identity management. If you do not know who your LAM is, please complete the online request form at 9

10 How do I access SEES? (Cont.)
Go to applications in the left navigator bar and click on ‘Request for Assistance’ 10

11 Indicate that log in is needed for SEES Fill out and Submit Form
Form to Identify LAM Indicate that log in is needed for SEES Fill out and Submit Form 11

12 How do I access SEES? (Cont.)
Step 2: Once you have identified your LAM and received access to SEES, test your login by going back to *Note: How will the district LAM know what access to give me? You may or may not receive a follow-up Test the login Contact Tricia Walz 12

13 How do I access SEES? (Cont.)
Go to applications in the left navigator bar and click on Student Engagement Evaluation System (SEES) link 13

14 How do I access SEES? (Cont.)
Step 3: Change your login information… Username: Password: click on the ‘forgot my password’ to reset it 14

15 Data Entry and Submission
What will you need for the SASID Reporting? Completed spreadsheet of State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDs) 15

16 State Assigned Student Identifiers (SASIDS)

17 Who Reports SASIDs? All grantees are responsible for compiling a list of SASIDs of students served The SASID is a 10-digit number assigned to students to enable CDE to conduct detailed analysis of student performance over time Be sure to check with your data services contact for that information 17

18 Information on SASIDs Excel file

19 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Row 1-5: Prepopulated for you Prepopulated for you. Do not change. If changed, the system will not accept your file. Do not name the tab label or add any worksheet. 19

20 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Yellow Section in Column B & C: Please fill out your most updated contact information. Fill in your contact info here 20

21 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Column A16 and C16: Columns to fill in with student’s information Fill in student SASID Number (Must be 10 digits) 21

22 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Column A16 and C16: Columns to fill in with student’s information Fill in matching student’s date of birth 22

23 Information on SASIDs Excel file, (Cont.)
Insert 1 for yes if student utilized these supports. Leave blank for no. 23

24 How to Upload your SASIDs Excel File
Upload SASIDs here 24

25 How to Upload your SASIDs Excel File (Cont.)
Fill in this Info: SRG SRG Codes Years Choose finished file here. Upload/Submit here (Select “Blank” for the dropdown menu) 25

26 How to Upload your SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Upload using SEES Please do not SASIDs to CDE Important!  Data Transfers:  Please do not send personally identifiable information (PII) via .  is not a secure channel and a person’s privacy and data security could be compromised. To send such files, you can use  our secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). This will ensure the security of student data in accordance with Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requirements SASIDs 26

27 How to avoid the most common errors in reporting SASIDs
Needs to be a 10 digit number Ensure there are no duplicate SASIDS Do not include names of students in this same file Match excel file with what was reported in the survey Student Names “Data Transfers:  Please do not include personally identifiable information (PII).  This includes name, SSN, address, etc… 27

28 Information on SASIDs Excel file
Checks to Consider- copy and paste numbers into different Excel file Are there duplicate SASIDs in your file? Red highlight says Yes These two cells will highlight as red. 28

29 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
11/17/2018 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.) Checks to Consider: Are all SASIDs 10 digits? Use the formula =LEN(cell) Only works if number does not start with 0 You can first check your numbers in a separate Excel file Place cursor here in blank cell, then enter formula and the count will appear. 29

30 Information on SASIDs Excel file (Cont.)
Error messages will show up at the bottom of the page and will identify which numbers were incorrect Aim for the most complete file possible- Files must be 85% correct for the system to accept it, although we always ask for closer to 100% (of what is reported in the survey). Higher quality reporting Do not change any column or cell names- you will not be able to upload the file Do not change the file name- you will not be able to upload the file if the file name is altered Report must be saved as an .xls NOT .xlsx 30

31 End of year Evaluation Survey Questions

32 Where to Find Guidance Document
Website: Follow this presentation with your guidance document. Pages will be listed here Page # 32

33 Guidance Document Filling out before entering and submitting this information through Qualtrics gives you: Written record of your responses Ability to gather responses from multiple offices or individuals (if necessary) Review all responses prior to final submission 33

34 How to Log In You will receive an with the link to the Qualtrics survey. You will also receive your password (token code) at the same time but in a separate . Log in using your and token code. Click this to move forward 34

35 Sections of the Report Section 1: Contact and Grant Information
Section 2: Students Served Section 3: Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement Methods and Tactics Section 4: Student Outcomes Section 5: Success Stories Section 6: Performance Measures Section 7: SRG Goal Progress Indicator Questions Section 8: Sustainability Section 9: Capacity Building 35

36 Section 1: Contact and Grant Info
Section 1 will be prepopulated and cannot be edited. Grantee Name Name of program Organization Code Name of Contact Contact Phone Number Grant Year Please note changes in the space provided if the information has changed. Page 2 & 3 36

37 Section I will be Pre-populated
Program Information Section I will be Pre-populated Explain what changes are needed to the prepopulated information. 37

38 Section II: Students Served
Q1) Total Served: How many students have you served in your program from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017? Q2) Optional: Please indicate grade levels served with SRG funds. Check all that apply. Note: Grantees may skip this question if SASIDs are provided for total number served as listed in Q1. Q3) Which risk factors are central to the student population served by the Student Re-engagement grant? Check all that apply. Low Attendance Course Failure High Mobility Behavior and Discipline Issues Insufficient Credit Accrual (e.g. over age/under credit) Out-of-School Page 3 & 4 38

39 Remember this number, it will be used in other questions.

40 Section III: Dropout Prevention and Student Re-engagement Methods and Tactics
Q4) Review the Dropout Prevention Framework and indicate the methods and tactics supported by SRG funds. Check all that apply. Data Analysis Early Warning Systems Tracking Out-of-School Youth Q5) Describe specific strategies and practices applied that support your methods and tactics checked in Question 4. Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Page 4 40

41 Check all that apply 41

42 Section IV: Student Outcomes
Q6) Student Outcomes. Of the total number of SRG students served, indicate their status as of June 30, 2017.  Please report a primary outcome for each SRG student served. Outcomes should be based on the student’s EOY status and as applicable. Note: Please select only one outcome per student. If more than one reason, list the primary outcome reflective of services received through the SRG-funded program/services. Please report numbers and not percentages. Column must equal to Q1. If not applicable, please enter 0. Q7) Please comment on student outcomes. Discuss outcome results in terms of successes and continuous improvement. Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Page 5-6 42

43 Total for this section must add up to Q1

44 Section V: Success Stories
Q8) Student Success Story. Please describe below a student’s success story from your SRG program. The success should be related to the services made possible by the SRG grant and connected to the reasons the student needs the services. Based on your story, please include the following. Note: Please do not use names or personally identifiable information (PII) in a manner that could unintentionally identify the student. Age, gender, grade level and other demographics can be used alone but all combined demographic information should be avoided. Open Response-1500 characters or less. Describe Student’s circumstances related to SRG-funded services without using names or other personally identifiable information School Attended Program intervention/services provided: Describe the success: Page 6 44

45 Section V: Success Stories (cont.)
Q9) Partnership Success Story. Please describe below an example of successful partnerships with an internal or external group that complements the work of the SRG. Based on your story, please include the following. Note: Please do not use names or personally identifiable information (PII) in a manner that could unintentionally identify the student. Age, gender, grade level and other demographics can be used alone but all combined demographic information should be avoided. Open Response-1500 characters or less. Name of Partner (not funded by SRG) Program intervention/services provided: Describe the success: Page 6-7 45

46 Open Response: 1500 characters or less

47 Section VI: Performance Measures
Please indicate progress in meeting your objectives in each of the following categories: If you went above and beyond your objective(s), then you exceeded your goal. If you have completely (100%) met your objective(s), then you have met your goal, if you have partially met your objective (more than 50 percent), then indicate making progress. If you have not mostly met your objective, select not making progress. Pre-populated for grantees in Qualtrics. Grantees will not be able to adjust this field. Page 7-9 47

48 Section VI: Performance Measures(Cont.)
Q10-14) Objectives 1-5: Please report your progress Check one Exceeded goal Met goal Making Progress Not making progress List indicators used to rate progress for this objective. Describe the information and data that were applied to determine or evaluate progress on this objective. Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Describe special circumstances that have positively affected progress on achieving this objective: Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Please describe issues that have negatively affected progress on achieving this objective: Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Page 11-14 48

49 Open Response: 1500 characters or less
Choose one Open Response: 1500 characters or less 49

50 Open Response: 1500 characters or less

51 Section VII: SRG Goal Progress Indicator Questions for SRG High School Students
This information is not routinely collected by Colorado high schools and may require SRG grantees to work with their Information Management Systems or Data Services departments to pull this information. Q15) On-Track for Graduation. Note: Include all students served by the high schools listed in Section I. Results will be used to forecast improvement in cohort graduation rates. In addition, these data are relevant to the school Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) process related to postsecondary readiness. Q15A) How many total credits must students earn to receive a diploma from your district? Number: Page 9-10 51

52 This number will be used to calculate 15 B and 15 C

53 Section VII: SRG Goal Progress Indicator Questions for SRG High School Students (cont.)
Q15B) One-quarter of the credits necessary to graduate is ____ (calculated from previous question) Q15C) How many students attending SRG school(s) in grades 9-12, during the school year, earned at least one quarter of the credits needed to graduate (i.e. a year’s worth of credit in a year’s time)? Number: Note: Only include all students served by the SRG grant.  How many students in grades 9-12 who, during the school year, earned more than one quarter of the credits necessary to graduate? Number: Note: Only include all students served by the SRG grant. (This number is unduplicated and should not include students counted in Q15C) Page 9-10 53

54 All numbers in blue will be automatically calculated from Q15A

55 Section VII: SRG Goal Progress Indicator Questions for SRG High School Students (cont.)
Q16) Re-engagement of Out-of-School Youth. Note: Include all students served by the high schools listed in Section I. Results will be used to forecast improvement in cohort graduation rates. In addition, these data are relevant to the school Unified Improvement Planning (UIP) process related to postsecondary readiness. Q16A) Number of out-of-school youth that re-enrolled in ? Number: Q16B) Average daily attendance rate of these students in ? Number: Q16C) How many of these students completed the school year in and will progress to the next grade? Number: Page 10 55

56 Section VII: SRG Goal Progress Indicator Questions for SRG High School Students (cont.)
Q16D) How many of these students received a high school diploma? Number: Q16E) How many of these students received a high school equivalency? Number: Q16F) Describe the successes and challenges in re-engaging out-of-school youth. Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less Page 10 56

57 Enter actual numbers 57

58 Section VIII: Sustainability
Actions Taken for Sustainability: Please describe action that has been taken to sustain your program – (Please check all that apply). Note:  Review this question with SRG staff to describe action that you have taken to sustain your SRG program. It may also be a good time to outline an action plan for future years. Applied for grants Building capacity through professional development Budget line items specified Board member presentation(s) on SRG results Formed/Secured Community partnerships for wrap around/case management services Federal grant dollars reinvested Page 10-11 58

59 Check all that apply 59

60 Section IX: Capacity Building
Q18) Training and Technical Assistance Questions: Please indicate your needs for technical assistance from CDE from the following list (Please check all that apply). Note:  Review this question with SRG school staff to identify technical assistance needs. Visits from CDE staff or consultants Statewide meeting with other programs Regional meetings with other programs Referrals to similar programs State Conference Technical assistance by phone Page 16 60

61 Check all that apply 61

62 Section IX: Capacity Building (cont.)
Q19) Topics. Please list and describe professional development and training topics that would be of benefit in implementing the Student Re-engagement Grant. Note:  Review this question with SRG school staff to identify topics of most interest. Q20) Optional:  How can the reporting process for this grant be improved? Note: Open Response-1500 characters or less. Page 11 62

63 63

64 Use this arrow to move back Use this arrow to submit survey

65 Submission Report PDF of your responses can be found here
Your responses will also appear here 65

66 Top Functional Tips

67 Tip 1 Coordinate the completion of your SRG reports
Determine who is responsible for this coordination Provide orientation and training to staff 67

68 Tip 2 Start early and set up your system to track… Progress Outcomes

69 Tip 3 Work with your data management folks to coordinate data collection May include: the contact for your data management system, attendance tracker… 69

70 Tip 4 Save, Save, and Save Save a back-up file of the guidance document with answers and SASID template with values. Also save a blank master version of both files in case you need the original. 70

71 Tip 5 Ask questions – early and often as needed.
Questions are welcomed Contact Tricia Walz: 71

72 Tip 6 Feedback is Welcome!
Please provide us with feedback on the new system Please let us know if you run into any troubleshooting issues Your feedback can help us improve the system and make it easier for you and other grantees to use in the future. 72

73 Final Comments Thank You! Questions?
System is anticipated to open on May 23, 2017 Will send out confirmation Good time to contact LAM Thank You! Questions? 73

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