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Presentation on theme: "Sacraments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sacraments

2 In previous years we have looked a little at Sacraments
Now we are going to explore 2 sacraments in more depth But first a quick recap. Can you say very simply what a sacrament is? (not how many, not name them but just what in general a Sacrament is?)

3 Individual Sacraments
Use the clues to decide the Sacrament The bishop is coming, I have Chrism ready, and each person receiving the sacrament is going to receive a new name What sacrament does the picture show?

4 3. This sacrament only boys can receive
4. This sacrament uses water and chrism 5 what sacrament does the picture show 6. Which sacraments are missing?

5 Types of Sacraments. Initiation –what does this word mean?
The Sacraments of Initiation are: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Sacraments of Healing this means Sacraments which help make right things which are wrong, they give us God’s strength and forgiveness. Which sacraments do you think belong here? Finally Sacraments of commitment these are marriage and Holy Orders.

6 We are going to look in more detail at Baptism

7 Firstly what happens and when

8 Symbols of Baptism: Water
How many different uses of water can you find? See if you can get at least twenty.

9 Now put those uses into groups
Did you get Life -Water is necessary for life without water we die Pleasure- we can swim /sail etc on water it can be fun Death- Water can bring death (tidal waves etc) Power- water can be used as a source of power (Hydro Electric/water mills etc.) New Life - water makes things new for example cleaning

10 In Baptism Water brings Life – The priest says: “(Name) The Christian community welcomes you with great joy.” Our new life begins as part of the Christian community. In Baptism we are empowered to live in God’s way, we die to our old way of life, it is a new start and because we become part of the Christian family there is joy. In Baptism we receive the power of God’s Spirit

11 What has this picture to do with Baptism

12 Sign of the Cross This is used several times. The priest traces the sign of the cross on the forehead of the person being baptised saying that he claims them for Christ. In the past slaves were branded with the mark of their owner so this is like an invisible brand saying we belong to Christ. We are Baptised in the name of the Father, son and Spirit. This is really important. It shows our belief that we are called to be children of God, we share in the new life of Christ and that the Holy spirit we guide our lives .

13 Light During the ceremony the parents are given a candle to keep for their child. This is lit from the large Paschal Candle. The Paschal Candle represents Jesus Just as the little candle draws it light from the larger so it reminds us that we draw our life from Jesus . Find out what words the priest says here.

14 Oil Two kinds used. Catechumens and Chrism.
Catechumens (A catechumen is someone who is preparing to be baptised –in the past only adults were allowed to be baptised). Oil is often used by athletes to strengthen their skin. In Baptism the priest says: “We anoint you with the oil …. May Christ strengthen you with his power” so the oil is a sign of strength. Chrism. This is a sweet smelling oil still used to anoint kings and queens. It reminds us that in Baptism we are called specially to serve God. Also because it is sweet smelling reminds us friendship with God is a good thing.

15 White Garment The Baby or whoever is being baptised wears white because white is the colour connected with Jesus when he rose from the dead. It is a symbol of new life and a sign that from now on we are trying to follow Christ.

16 Confirmation

17 Meaning Confirmation can only be received by those people who have been baptised. It happens just once but you have to live it out every day It deepens our relationship with Christ Strengthen our connection with the Church And because we receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit enables us to be witnesses for Jesus, to have the strength to do and say the right thing. .

18 What happens? The Key points.
Before you are confirmed you chose a confirmation name. This should be the name of someone you think has given a really good example of living as a Christian. Normally a Saints name. Who would you chose and why? You also need a sponsor. Someone you know who is a Christian and who will be able to help you understand more about your faith. Who would this person be if you were going to be confirmed?

19 Confirmation normally takes place during mass
Confirmation normally takes place during mass. The Bishop normally confirms people but he can ask a priest to this for him. After the Gospel every one who is to be confirmed is called out by name. Why do you think this is ? Look up Isaiah 43:1 to help you think about this. The Bishop then gives a talk reminding everybody what they are going to do. If you were the Bishop what would be in your sermon?

20 Pope Francis said to young people being confirmed
Let us open the doors to the Spirit, let ourselves be guided by him, and allow God’s constant help to make us new men and women, inspired by the love of God which the Holy Spirit bestows on us! How beautiful it would be if each of you, every evening, could say: Today at school, at home, at work, guided by God, I showed a sign of love towards one of my friends, my parents, an older person! How beautiful! Do you think it would be easy to do this? How do you think being confirmed might help/

21 The Baptismal Promises
Those going to be confirmed then renew their baptismal promises. If we were baptised as a baby we were too young to make these promises ourselves but confirmation is something you must chose yourself so to show your faith you make these promises on your own. See if you can find out what these promises are? (Look back at the work on Baptism)

22 The laying on of Hands The Bishop then says: “Let us pray to our Father that he will pour out the Holy Spirit to strengthen his sons and daughters with his gifts and anoint them to be more like Christ the Son of God.” The Bishop now extends his hands over the heads of the people being confirmed and prays that the holy Spirit will come down into their hearts. What event in scripture does this remind you of? He prays that the person will receive the gifts of the holy Spirit .

23 The Anointing Next those being confirmed are anointed with Chrism. Each candidate goes to the bishop. The sponsor places his right hand on the persons shoulder and gives the candidate’s name to the bishop. The Bishop dips his right thumb in the Chrism and makes the sign of the cross on the forehead of the one to be confirmed, as he says: “(Name), be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

24 Special Prayers During the service at various points there will be special prayers said. For example at the end of mass the Bishop might say something like: “God our Father, complete the work you have begun and keep the gifts of your Holy Spirit active in the hearts of your people. Make them ready to live his Gospel and eager to do his will. May they never be ashamed to proclaim to all the world Christ “ What is he asking here?

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