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Welcome To Election Team Training!!!

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1 Welcome To Election Team Training!!!

2 The Obligation I do hereby promise, on my honor as a Scout, that I will always and faithfully observe and preserve the traditions of the Order of the Arrow, Wimachtendienk, Wingolauchsik, Witahemui. I will always regard the ties of brotherhood in the Order of the Arrow as lasting, and will seek to preserve a cheerful spirit, even in the midst of irksome tasts and weighty responsibilities, and will endeavor, so far as in my power lies, to be unselfish in service and devotion to the welfare of others.

3 Purpose of Elections To elect youth members in a fair, controlled fashion in accordance with national policy. To inform scouts about the OA Build good lodge-council relations Build good chapter-district and chapter-troop relations

4 Information to know before an Election
Location, Time, and Date of the meeting where the election will be held Name, phone number and address of Scoutmaster and/or youth contact Size of the troop Number of candidates If they have a VCR/DVD player and a television Who else is helping with the election? Do they have an OA Troop Rep?

5 Eligibility Requirements
The Scout must be registered and approved by the scoutmaster The Scout must be 1st Class or above The Scout must have experienced fifteen days and nights of Boy Scout camping during the two-year period prior to the election, including one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping.

6 How to Prepare for an Election
Materials Cut or printed ballots Writing utensils Election Script Election form Scoutmaster Letter Arrowman Letter Feedback forms OA Troop Rep Form Election video (if requested) Where to Go Camping Guide Notebook and pencil/pen Cell phone

7 How to Prepare for an Election
Field Uniform (Class ‘A’) Uniform Shirt with proper badges and patches Uniform pants and belt Uniform Socks Red epaulets OA Sash of current membership level Chapter Shirt and shoelaces if you have them Brown or black boots

8 How to Prepare for an Election (cont.)
Call scoutmaster to verify time, date, and location Call election partners to verify that they will be there Double-check EVERYTHING Call Vice Chief when you’re on your way

9 How to Administer an Election
Arrive minutes before the meeting and meet with the Scoutmaster and OA representative Give the scoutmaster the W2GCG If the troop doesn’t have an OA troop rep, ask the scoutmaster if he would like to designate one. Give the youth contact the letters to arrowmen Go over the procedure and the ballot Verify the eligibility of all scouts on the ballot Scoutmaster must sign the election form BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE HAPPENS

10 How to Administer an Election(cont.)
Count attending scouts (all youth under 21) Participate in the opening of the meeting Wait to be recognized by the Scoutmaster before beginning to speak Show the national election video (if requested)

11 How to Administer an Election(cont.)
Read the election script Involve the youth contact in the reading. Give several opportunities for scouts to ask questions about the procedure and criteria Pass out and collect ballots and pencils

12 Election Procedure All youth under 21 receive a ballot
A scout may only vote for eligible members A scout may vote for as many or as few as he feels are worthy A scout may indicate a vote for every candidate by writing “ALL” on his ballot A scout may vote for no one. A scout may choose not to turn in a ballot if he feels he is not qualified to vote. A candidate is elected if he receives a number of votes equal to ½ the number of ballots turned in.

13 How to Administer an Election(cont.)
Counting the Ballots Only the election team and the Scoutmaster (or his designee) should be present Throw out all improperly filled out ballots. WRITE DOWN the votes Recount any candidate within one vote of election If no one is elected, come back into the meeting room, inform the troop that no one was elected, and pass out ballots again. If no one is elected again, the results are final. The troop may not have another election until 2011

14 How to Administer an Election(cont.)
Inform the Scoutmaster of who was elected and when the next call-out is Encourage the scoutmaster to go to the chapter callout – NOT wait until summer camp

15 What to do after the election
Some troops may ask you to immediately announce who is elected Inform the scoutmaster of who was elected and when the next callout is Encourage the SM to go the CHAPTER callout Call the Vice Chief and tell him how it wen Destroy the ballots and counting sheet Get the forms to the adviser in charge of elections Do not show the forms or reveal any details about the ballots to ANYONE

16 Elections as a representation of the OA
Always remember that you are a guest at a troop meeting NEVER lose your temper or act unprofessionally Speak and act with confidence When in doubt, ask someone who knows In case of a misadministration, put the Scoutmaster in contact with the Chief to schedule another election

17 Conclusion Elections are the most important function of the chapter
Being entrusted with this responsibility is a BIG DEAL – treat it as such You will probably have to miss a troop meeting or two – talk to your scoutmaster If you have any specific conflicts with certain dates, DON’T SURPRISE YOUR VICE CHIEF! Questions?

18 Firm bound in Brotherhood Gather the clan that cheerful Service brings to fellow man Circle our council fire, Weld tightly every link That binds us in Brotherhood Wimachtendienk

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