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In Harmony With Motion.

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Presentation on theme: "In Harmony With Motion."— Presentation transcript:

1 In Harmony With Motion

2 Motion is said to be PERIODIC if it is repeated in a succession of even TIME intervals.

3 List 3 specific examples of this type of motion you have observed or experienced.

4 The time needed for motion to repeat itself is the PERIOD, T.

5 When an object oscillates or moves back and forth about an EQUILIBRIUM position, it is said to exhibit SIMPLE HARMONIC MOTION or (SHM).

6 List the two major requirements for motion to be considered SHM.

7 Is the motion of the Earth about the Sun periodic? Why?


9 Is the motion of the Earth about the Sun SHM? Why?


11 Bob Bob Bobbin’

12 A pendulum which disregards the effects of GRAVITY and air resistance is called a SIMPLE pendulum.

13 A pendulum consists of a mass called a BOB suspended by a fixed length of a string, thread, rope, wire ETC!

14 The amplitude is the maximum distance the bob moves from EQUILIBRIUM.

15 The frequency, f, of a pendulum is the number of CYCLES it makes in a given time.

16 The period, T, of a pendulum is the time required to complete a full CYCLE.

17 A CYCLE is two swings, once back and once forth.

18 Constant Relationship

19 Direct Relationship

20 Inverse Relationship

21 Frequency Sketch the earth moving about the Sun. What is the
frequency in # cycles/time?

22 T = 1/f min/c UNITS

23 f = 1/T UNITS c/min


25 T represents the Period F represents Frequency T= 1/F F= 1/T


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