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November 7, 2017 Lakewood Place, Vivage Senior Living Lakewood, CO

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1 November 7, 2017 Lakewood Place, Vivage Senior Living Lakewood, CO
MFHCC Meeting November 7, 2017 Lakewood Place, Vivage Senior Living Lakewood, CO

2 Welcome & Introductions

3 Agenda Arrive, sign in, grab lunch Welcome & Introductions – Lisa
Review Previous Action Items – Lisa Agency Updates - All – Lisa North Central Region Healthcare Coalition (NCR HCC) Development Process – Michelle Deland Upcoming Training and Events – Lisa Review of CDPHE OEPR Fall Meeting - Oct Communication Drills – Q2 Drill Date/Time TBD Winter Storm Exercise, Nov. 7th 1:45-3:45pm Ancillary Healthcare Workgroup Update – Lisa Reports from the Field: Hurricane Response in Florida, Houston and Puerto Rico Member Agency Spotlight: All The Comfort of Home, Cassie Courtnage Mass Casualty Incident (MCI) Planning Follow Up Discussion – Nicolena Johnson Review New Action Items – Lisa

4 Review previous action items

5 Review Previous Action Items
Person responsible Deadline If you are interested in becoming a Closed POD, contact the appropriate person for your jurisdiction: Christine Billings for Jeffco & Gilpin; Cali Zimmerman for Denver; Megan Nies for Broomfield; Donna Kline for Clear Creek. All On-going Member Spotlight - Janelle and Lisa if you would like to be featured on the website. Contact Ginny Schwartzer if interested in participating in a Disaster Book Club. Next meeting is Dec. 6th from 5-7pm at Book Bar. Ginny Schwartzer MCI Homework assignment (see Minutes and PPT) 10/3/17 Stay updated about new CMS emergency preparedness rule webinars, workshops, and training on MFHCC website. Send “Non response response” process to Jefferson County agencies TBD Janelle, Christine 11/7/17

6 Agency updates We have noticed that there have been fewer report outs during the agency update section of recent meetings. As a reminder, it is helpful to share updates about recent drills and exercises, lessons learned, available resources to share, job openings, staff changes or recognition, etc. Also, in an effort to save time, we are not going to call out various disciplines so people can respond at any time. Lisa

7 Agency Updates Please mention brief updates you would like to share with the entire group Include your name and agency name High level reports applicable to various agencies Updates requiring in depth discussions may transition into workgroups

8 Agency Updates Epidemiology Update Hospitals
Public/Environmental Health EMS Provider Emergency Management Long Term Care Mental/Behavioral Health Outpatient Medical Services (Example: community health center, clinic, dialysis, etc.) Other HCC Partner (Example: education, private, federal entity, coroner, etc.).

9 North Central Region Healthcare Coalition (NCR HCC) Update
Michelle Deland

10 North Central Region Healthcare Coalition NCR HCC
NCR HCC Joint Risk Assessment: Due to CDPHE on 12/31/2017 Incorporating member HVAs as well as NCR Joint Risk Assessment Coalition Surge Test Deliverable Regional Health and Medical Evacuation Plan Workgroup to assist with revising the Tri-County Health Department plan Community Inclusion in Colorado Maps (CICO) deliverable First-half being met with a GB training on 12/18/2017 Second-half: Chapter trainings in 2018 Continuing discussion on funds/spending process Next Governance Board Meeting: November 14th from 10:00am – 12:00pm at Trailhead Institute, 1385 S. Colorado Blvd, Suite A622, Denver, CO 80222

11 Upcoming Trainings and Events

12 Review of CDPHE OEPR Annual Meeting – Oct 23-25
CDPHE OEPR Fall Meeting - Aurora, CO Theme: Operationalizing Colorado’s Healthcare Coalitions Operationalizing = Coordinate and Communicate Thank you to required disciplines and all MFHCC attendees! Emergency Management EMS Hospitals Public Health

13 Resource Mobilization: A Rural or Urban Perspective
By Trevor Denney, Southwest Regional Field Management, Department of Homeland Security, Durango

14 I am having a bad day!

15 You are having a good day!

16 I need help, so I call you

17 You travel to me

18 We double our resources, problem solved!

19 Questions?

20 Review of CDPHE OEPR Annual Meeting – Oct 23-25
Med Surge Tabletop/Discussion Scenario – Evacuate 10% of Patients in North Central Region Strengths: Resource Rich, Relationships Opportunities: Lack of Authority; Multiagency Coordination (MAC) Group; Communication; Work with Emergency Mgmt. (EM)

21 Trainings and Events Communication Drills
Thank you to agencies who participated in quarterly communication drill Sept. 7th (42% of MFHCC agencies) Next drill in Q4 – Date TBD Winter Storm Exercise – Today! Capped at 100 registrants

22 MFHCC Website - 2017 Training and Exercise Opportunities in our Community
Dates through December – CMS Emergency Preparedness Webinars (free) see All Clear Emergency Management website for details. Nov. 7th – Winter Storm Exercise – Hosted by the Ancillary Healthcare Workgroup of the MFHCC Chapter Nov. 16 – Creating a Fire and Life Safety Plan Dec. 7 – Clarifying and Understanding Cyber Threats and Actors Webinar Dec. 12 & 13 – Team Approach to Foodborne Outbreak Response Dec. 13 – Mass Casualty Response/Resilience Webinar Lisa - Visit the MFHCC website for details about all of the events listed. All of the listings in red are new offerings. Please send us training opportunities so we can share them with members on our website.

23 Ancillary healthcare workgroup

24 New Workgroup Ancillary Healthcare Workgroup Launched Oct. 3rd
Will meet after every MFHCC meeting starting at 1:45 pm Led by Diana Delgado and Susan Hanson Direction determined by participants Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) invited to participate as requested

25 Reports from the field – hurricane response
Bill Benerman – Denver Environmental Health and Aimee Voth-Siebert - CDPHE

26 Member Agency Spotlight – all the comfort of home
Cassie Courtnage

27 Our passion is to help seniors remain active and independent in the comfort of their homes- wherever home is!

28 Our Services Include: Personal Care Bathing, Toileting and Hygiene
Dressing and Grooming Medication Reminders and More Companionship Care Light Housekeeping and Meal Preparation Memory and Reminiscence Activities Transportation and More Medical Care/Skilled Nursing

29 Why Choose All the Comfort of Home?
Locally owned and operated, not a franchise 1 No Minimums 2 Medical and Non-medical services under one roof 3

30 And More… 24/7 live-in care Respite Care- lift the burden from family
Sitter services One time visits or temporary assistance

31 We Promise To: Care for your loved one like our own family
Carefully match client need and caregiver skill

32 FREE In Home Assessment
Functional (ADL) Assessment Cognitive Assessment Fall Risk Assessment Home Safety Inspection Caregiver Matching

33 Skilled Nursing and Therapy
Physical Therapy Occupational Therapy Speech Therapy Wound Care Medication Management and Education Trach/Vent Care End of Life Care

34 Cassie Courtnage Community Relations Manager Cassie Courtnage Community Relations Manager

Nicolena Johnson

36 Our Suggested Path Agencies should have robust and reliable disaster plans that are focused on what is likely to affect them, but also consider less probable events. Plans should be exercised and refined, allowing all employees to have input in their design and implementation. Any stakeholder that is relied upon in the execution of your plan (e.g. EMS, Law Enforcement, Fire, Other Facilities, etc.) should be at the table to provide their feedback on feasibility under different circumstances.

37 MFHCC Member Homework Discussion:
Review your plans (if you have them) to assure that they are still applicable for your organization today. Make a list of all of the stakeholders you name in your plan, divide this list into those who are directly involved (your patients, employees, their families) and those who you plan to rely upon (corporate resources, emergency services, other facilities). Share your plan and expectation of support to each of the agencies in the second list, determine their ability to support you in different likely circumstances. Follow-up discussion on the homework, maybe ask members if any of them started this process yet, what are the barriers they experienced (or expect to encounter), what success/good ideas/strategies they have found?

38 Review New Action Items

39 Thank you!

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