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Fourth GRADE Mrs. Voicheck This is your time. How high will you soar?

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Presentation on theme: "Fourth GRADE Mrs. Voicheck This is your time. How high will you soar?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fourth GRADE Mrs. Voicheck This is your time. How high will you soar?
This is your time. How high will you soar?

2 Mrs. Voicheck BA in Elementary Education BA in Language Arts
Fifth and Second Grade 3nd Year in 4th Grade 6th Year Teaching in Woodbridge Township

3 Philosophy Learning begins at the emotional level
Classroom environment All children can learn Parent-teacher communication is key (Remind 101; ; School Wires

4 Curriculum Journeys
Weekly lesson Anchor texts, spelling, vocab, comprehension, grammar, writing, weekly tests Think Central Math Practice Facts iPad apps

5 Curriculum Science Social Studies Health World Language

6 Homework/Grading Planner (signed each night)
Reading Log (monthly major grade) Unfinished classwork Unfinished projects Absent Two days to make up work Band/Chorus (responsible for work missed) Genesis- Minimum 50% Late -10 No Name -5 Friday Folders (signed each week)

7 Technology Apple TV iPad Chrome Books Computers (Writing Assignments)
Google Docs Study Island Think Central (Journeys) Connect ED (Everyday Math)

8 Behavior Management Class Dojo Monitor individual and Groups
Point incentive points Group Buckets Monthly Pillars

9 Thank You! Thank you for your involvement and support!
Let’s make this year a great one!

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