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Bond Strength Bond length (the distance between the nuclei of atoms in a covalent bond) decreases with the addition of more shared pairs = stronger bond.

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Presentation on theme: "Bond Strength Bond length (the distance between the nuclei of atoms in a covalent bond) decreases with the addition of more shared pairs = stronger bond."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bond Strength Bond length (the distance between the nuclei of atoms in a covalent bond) decreases with the addition of more shared pairs = stronger bond Recall: What is “ionization energy”? Similarly, energy is required to break a bond between atoms in a molecule: bond dissociation energy.

2 Bond Strength (continued)
Which molecule do you think would have the most bond energy: F2, N2, or O2? Why? Bond dissociation energies: F2 = 159 kJ/mol O2 = 498 kJ/mol N2 = 945 kJ/mol

3 Assignments  Practice Problems, p.244: 1-5
Study Guide for Content Mastery workbook: p.49 (omit 4 and 5) Complete worksheets for review of naming compounds and writing formula units.

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