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The New Deal Coalition pages

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1 The New Deal Coalition pages 259-261
IT MATTERS BECAUSE… President Roosevelt was reelected in a landslide in Early in his second term, however, his court-packing plan and a new recession hurt him politically. The Fair Labor Standards Act, the last significant piece of New Deal Legislation, provided new protections for workers.

2 Recovery – an economic upturn, as after a depression
Terms Court-packing – the act of a leader to change the political balance of power in a nation’s judiciary system by appointing judges who will rule in favor of his or her policies Recovery – an economic upturn, as after a depression Mediate – to attempt to resolve conflict between hostile people and groups Broker state – role of government to work out conflicts among competing interest groups Safety net – something that provides security against misfortune; specifically, government relief programs intended to protect against economic disaster

3 Critical Thinking – page 260
What mood does the photograph convey? They are laughing and smiling and looking as though they are friends and enjoying each other’s company

4 Progress Check – page 260 and 261
What factors helped Roosevelt win a landslide victory in 1936? Many people owed their economic stability to the New Deal, so new groups flocked to support the Democrats, including women, minorities, and intellectuals. They formed a coalition that propelled Roosevelt to victory 2. How did the New Deal change how government worked? The New Deal saw the assumption of a great deal of power by the federal government to intervene in the economy and support the disadvantaged through legislation and government-run programs.

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