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BIOLOGY Unit 1 Notes: Characteristics of Life & Biomolecules

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1 BIOLOGY Unit 1 Notes: Characteristics of Life & Biomolecules

2 (1) Characteristics of Life
All systems classified as “living” must be able to do the following on their own: Reproduce + Pass on genes Evolve + Respond + Adapt to their changing environment Metabolize nutrients + Excrete Waste Grow + Develop over time Maintain Homeostasis

3 (2) Homeostasis Maintaining internal stability / balance.
What Does This Mean? When something changes inside/around an organism, it must be able to get itself back to a “healthy normal”. Examples: Shivering when cold Making more red blood cells when oxygen levels drop Releasing bicarbonate when you eat something acidic


5 (3) The Cell Theory Once we know something is living, we also know it must follow the Cell Theory: All living things are made of cells. Cells are the most basic unit of life. Existing cells come from pre-existing cells.


7 (4) The Biological Elements
The element that make up all living organisms: C (carbon) H (hydrogen) O (oxygen) N (nitrogen) P (phosphorus) S (sulfur)

8 (5) The Magical Carbon Atom
Carbon is one of the most important elements found in living systems. What Makes Carbon So Special?? Able to form 4 different bonds. Can position and rearrange itself into a lot of different types of formations and molecules. Allows for the wide variety of structures in living things.


10 (6) Wonderful Water ~70% of a cell is made up of water!
Water Allows For: Special chemical reactions needed to release and store energy. The dissolving of solutes (like sugars and salts). What Makes Water So Special?? Polar Molecule Allows for unique interactions with polar and non-polar molecules in cells.


12 (7) The Biomolecules The molecules that make up all living organisms:
Carbohydrates Lipids Proteins Nucleic Acids

13 (8) Carbohydrates Function: Provide immediate and intermediate energy.
Monomers: Monosaccharides (Glucose, Fructose) Polymers: Polysaccharides (Starch, Wheat) Draw A Picture:

14 Monosaccharide Polysaccharide Energy Stored In Bonds Energy Available to Cells When Bonds Broken!


16 What Are The Pros + Cons Of Each??
Why Do You Think People Say Wheat / Multi-Grain Carbs Are Better For You Than Simple Sugars?!? What Are The Pros + Cons Of Each??

17 (9) Lipids Functions: Monomers: Fatty Acids + Glycerol
Long term energy storage. Make up cell membranes. Monomers: Fatty Acids + Glycerol Polymers: Fats, Oils, Phospholipids Draw A Picture:

18 Phospholipid Hydrophilic Head: Glycerol Water Loving Polar
Hydrophobic Tails: -Water Fearing - Non Polar Fatty Acids



21 (10) Proteins Functions: Monomers: Amino Acids
Provide the expression of the instructions within DNA. Catalyze chemical reactions. Monomers: Amino Acids Polymers: Proteins / Polypeptides Draw A Picture:

22 Amino Acid Polypeptide The Amino Acids Bond Together In A Very Specific Order + Structure! Peptide Bonds


24 (11) Nucleic Acids Function: Provide the genetic instructions for all cell parts and processes. Monomers: Nucleotides Polymers: DNA and RNA Draw a Picture:

25 Nucleotide Phosphate Nitrogenous Base Sugar DNA RNA



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