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Bluetooth Device Companion apps for Windows 10

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Presentation on theme: "Bluetooth Device Companion apps for Windows 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bluetooth Device Companion apps for Windows 10
Kiran Pathakota

2 What are companion apps?

3 Why build a companion app?
Navigate tricky Out of Box scenarios Bluetooth pairing is hard! Create a customized initial experience Market device to potential customers Improve product mindshare and create an ecosystem for app promotion

4 Why build a companion app?
Navigate tricky Out of Box scenarios Bluetooth pairing is hard! Create a customized initial experience. Market device to potential customers Improve product mindshare and create an ecosystem for app promotion

5 Outline Query for nearby Bluetooth devices
Pair device and ensure services are available Access remote device services and characteristics

6 Set up a dynamic list of devices
App watcher System watcher.Start() Added() Observable collection of devices Updated() EnumerationCompleted() Removed() Stopped()

7 Outline Query for nearby Bluetooth devices
Pair device and ensure services are available Access remote device services and characteristics

8 Pair device and ensure services are available
User App watcher System DeviceList_Tapped PairAsync() Result serviceWatcher.Start() Added() If (Result = Success && Added() event has fired opt GattDeviceService.FromIdAsync() Service GATT Read/Write operations Device Connected and Ready

9 Outline Query for nearby Bluetooth devices
Pair device and ensure services are available Access remote device services and characteristics

10 Demo: Lego WeDO control

11 Call to Action Bluetooth landing page on MSDN
Re-visit Build on Channel 9 Continue your education at Microsoft Virtual Academy online

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